And a super value for the price.
All the Seiko 5 watches use an accurate and reliable HH:mm:ss, day:date movement. This one is elegant and unpretentious, and suitable for any occasion.
Let's get the shortcomings over with; that is the smallest part of this review.
-This watch is one rated for 30m, which generally means it's OK to shower in it, but not to swim with it. Normally, I like a watch that is 50m or more water resistant, both for the water resistance, and for the implied shock resistance. On the other hand, I haven't seen any problems with water or shock resistence.
Now what's right with it. (Pretty much everything.)
-Appearence. Classy. Small, smooth, simple. A very refined appearance for office or formal occasions, but without pretension. The red sweep hand is the only highlight, and balances the austerity of the rest of the watch.
-Functionality. HH:mm:ss, day and date, and markings for an appropriate degree of precision for routine uses. Discrete luminescent markings are as good as any non-tritium marking I've seen.
-Reliability. No batteries, but when worn consistantly, is almost as good as a quartz. I haven't subjected this one to the extremes that I have other watches, but that isn't what it is for. Still, casual abuse hasn't effected it at all.
This is an excellent time piece for most civilized environments and I'll wear it anyplace I would wear shoes to (as opposed to needing sneakers, boots, or bare feet).
E. M. Van Court Seiko 5 Mens Automatic Watch SNK795
Just received this watch in the mail today. The watch came in a light blue box, with a pillow inserted throughout the band for support with an instruction manual. The manual was not for the product listed but close enough that instructions could be applied to the SNK795. That being said, I read other reviews that stated that the link removal was somewhat difficult. I found it to be easy enough if you just remember to use something that has a point with some good backbone, like a small household nail or a jewelers screwdriver (both are available at almost any general store for a reasonable price.
1. Insert the end of your chosen tool in the hole where the embedded arrow points to on the link, and pull back (think of a shovel being put into the ground and pulled back and up) same concept :)
2. when the link begins to push out from its cradle, use a flat head pair of pliers to grip the tip and pull out. repeat this same process for the remaining links if you need more out.
3. The watch keeps good time as I have worn this all night at work for ten hours straight. Automatic watches will lose or gain a minute or two in a week so this is not unusual.
4. While not wearing the watch, make sure that when you lay it aside for the night, that it lays with dial face, facing up towards this ceiling. This helps the watch to maintain time while it is not being used. I do not know what kind of reserve this watch has but I know that any automatic watch left unworn for more than a day will probably stop. worn daily, this should not be a problem.
5. Nice watch overall, cosmetically appealing, thin, with a good solid feel to it. not bad for the 70 something dollars I spent. I've only had it a day so if any major complications arise, I will update this review. Hope this was helpful to you. Thanks! :)
Seems to be hit or miss quality-wise, judging from the other reviews. Maybe I just got lucky, but I haven't had any problems, and the accuracy is very good. I've owned this for 2 weeks, and in that time it has only gained less than a minute.
I love the classic looks of this watch. It has a heavy, solid feel to it - doesn't feel cheesy to me at all. The value for the price I think is outstanding.
Hopefully my experience is closer to the norm, and that the others who've had problems are just isolated cases.
Stops erratically and loses time unpredictably when it does work. Supposed to be an automatic but does not seem to wind itself reliably. It took long enough to be convinced that it wasn't reliable that I can't return it - the vendor (BlueDial) will only accept returns with all the original packaging, which of course I don't have. I'm sorry I bought this watch.
I've been looking for a stylish watch for some time. My old watch died, and I went to the department stores to find a replacement. None of the watches there impressed me, so off to Amazon I went.
I ended up settling on this one, and I really like it. It was less that $75, and is the nicest watch I've owned to date. I've had it about two weeks now. It keeps time great, and not needing to have a battery is a HUGE plus for me. Read the directions before you fiddle with it. I don't plan on submersing it in water, but the box claims it is 30m waterproof.
I was able to remove links with a little trial and error, but once you do it, you figure it out, it is very easy to do.
This watch is not too heavy, and not to light. I wear it everywhere but the bed, shower, and swimming pool.
I got this watch because I have been having trouble getting batteries replaced on other watches and the idea of a customer-serviceable battery doesn't seem to have occurred to the watch makers (anyone out there listening?).
It is a handsome watch but the band was not at all trivial to adjust to size. Thank goodness for Google and a nice fellow who shared his secrets with the rest of us. There were NO instructions in the manual on this.
I have to say for a Seiko it doesn't keep very good time. It is not clear to me if this is because it never is wound fully (I only wear it 8-10 hours/day) but I suspect not. It loses about 5 minutes every 2-3 days. It takes 2 seconds to reset but I was hoping for better from Seiko. Still, a watch that is good to +/- 2 minutes is better than a stopped one.'
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