My first warning should have been the the title which should have been its price. The depth of this pamphlet almost equals a weak 6th grade term paper.
My second warning should have been the published length. The content includes eight "chapters" each with 15 to 20 lines of print totaling couple hundred words.
I cannot imagine someone that needs to pay this much for this little.
My third warning should have been the almost 200 people who felt a need to re-sell this to someone else. I am not one of them, only because I felt that course morally not acceptable. Of all the things I have purchased from Amazon that did not quite fit my needs, this is the first one that made me feel really cheated. Selling something that may not fit everyones needs may fall under "let the buyer beware". Selling something that you cannot imagine anyone could ever find of value is like "digging a pit for your neighbor" and then covering it with straw. But offering to resell this to another victim is a separate and even sadder issue.
DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT. You now have my four warnings. The Free Household Tips Guide To Lawnmowers'
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