While this product did clean my lcd and plasma monitors, the chore was quite time intensive. Eventually, after trying to clean each screen about four times they did come clean. The CleanDr did not provide the presto cleano I had expected. In the end the screens were cleaner then when I began, but I had to buff them like I was waxing a car. I will try a different product next time. CleanDr 60600 00 LCD/Plasma Screen Cleaner
CleanDr works absolutely perfect. I cleaned my 42" LCD in about 2 minutes without any streaks residue left over. The important thing to know when using these products is that you must spray the cleaner on the rag, NOT THE TV!!! If you spray on the TV, you will apply to much, making it harder to get off. Just spray a couple times onto the cloth and wipe down, if it starts to get dry, spray a few more times and continue until you're finished. For the price, and the results, you can't go wrong.
The clerk at the store suggested this product for my dirty tv. I'm not sure what exactly got on it but it needed cleaning very badly.
I sprayed the included cloth with a few spritzes, making it damp, not wet, and applied it to the tv, then buffed it off with a dry part of the cloth. The television is now clean and shiny and gorgeous again. So I used it on my monitor and my husband used it on his laptop.
Applying it with the cloth, then buffing off with a dry part of the cloth seems to work best for me. All the screens are gorgeous and clean now. I did have to go over my monitor twice which is why I didn't give it 5 stars. Yes, being able to use a screen cleaner like you would window cleaner would be nice. But this product does work well if you follow directions and don't use too much of it to clean the screen.
I have reviously purchased "CleanDR" cleaning products and was quite pleased. However, this smaller bottle of cleaning fluid was sub-par. I even emailed the manufacturer, NO Reply! This bottle of cleaner has a high level of perfume smell, and it leaves streaks and smears after wiping.
I've spent too much money on my plasma TV and my LCD monitor to play around with cheap cleaning products. I regret my purchase of this product and I should have known better! View this as an idiot's confession. There is very little comfort in buying a screen cleaning product if you don't feel the product actually protects your substantial investment in HDTVs and/or monitors.
The cleaning cloth is very small (7" X 7") and has a bound edge that feels, to my fingers, far more abrasive than the cleaning cloth itself. I worry that this bound edge will scratch the delicate surface of my LCD monitor.
The cleaning fluid has a strong perfume in it. While I hated the sweet smell - that is hardly the issue. What bothered me most was that there was a perfume, of any type, in a screen cleaning fluid.
Finally this entire product is made in China and I worry about quality control - particularly in the fluid's chemical composition. This is a country that has problems keeping poisons out of its milk supply. With my plasma TV costing $2800.00 and my PC monitor worth over $600.00 - I was an idiot to purchase such a cheap screen cleaning kit. I want a company with a cleaning fluid formulated, mixed and packaged in the USA (or other first world country). I want a cleaning cloth that does not have rough edges.
Buyer beware - there may be a great deal of false security in buying this type of product
I have to say that I was very disappointed in this product. I purchased it to clean the screen on my new 52" LCD television. After carefully following directions, I tried to clean the screen of the television. After multiple attempts, I now have a completely streaked and smudged screen. Believe it or not, the screen is actually worse than before it was cleaned. I tried this on my 13" LCD laptop as well and got the same results. Not sure what the problem is, but I would definately not recommend this product. Beware, you will get extremely disappointing results. - Cleaner - Lcd - Monitor Cleaner'
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