I am a 62 year old male and have been using Spine-Worx for years, since back when it was called Spine Align. Not only does it help to maintain my spine in alignment between chiropractic adjustments, I find that I don't need to see the chiropractor anywhere nearly as often as I once did. In fact, I haven't been to my chiropractor for months, and I used to go at least once a week. By using Spine-Worx, I've stopped chest pains, numbness in my fingers, headaches, pain in my hip from an on-the-job injury, pain in my knee and ankle, and there are probably others that I can't think of right now. Anything that a chiropractor is helpful for regarding the spine, this device can provide assistance. (It will not rotate the ilia; it only helps the spinal vertebrae.) While it can't diagnose an individual's particular problem as a chiropractor can (such as a rotated ilium), it gives general assistance to every vertebra in the back. While it has been said that it cannot adjust the neck (cervical spine), in adjusting the rest of the spine, it helps in getting the neck to straighten itself out. In addition, I've found that, when I've already gotten movement to the other parts of my spine, by raising my hips and lower back off the Spine Worx while keeping my shoulders and neck on the Spine Worx, I have indeed gotten my neck to pop back into alignment. The more time I spend on it, the better the results I get. I can't say enough for this item.
If you are accustomed to chiropractic care, you should not have any trouble with this. If you've never had your spine aligned, you might be in for a surprise when your vertebra pops back in line. Also, the longer your spine has been misaligned, the more discomfort you may feel as the device straightens your spine out to be as it was meant to be. For these times, I recommend using the Spine Worx after a hot shower or hot bath so the muscles will be most relaxed and not tight, in hopes that they won't be tight and try to pull the vertebra back out of alignment again. Discomfort might be the sensation of pulling along the spine of the muscles that are attached to the individual vertebra that is suddenly in a new position, and related sensations. I feel that, if you stick with it, using it the recommended 15 minutes per day, you will feel better and have better health.
In any case, it's certainly worth a try. I have three of them, one for the car (I get extra pressure by pushing against the steering wheel for adjusting the thorax), one for the house, and a spare in case something happens to the others: I don't ever want to be without my Spine-Worx! Spine-Worx Back Realignment Device
I'm almost 50yo with lower back pain. The pain is caused by slight misalignment, compression, and pinched nerves (standard lower back pain). Care must be exercised to place the spinal column in the correct position. If you get the spine aligned properly, you then must find a way to force your muscles to relax and allow the device to do it's job. This is uncomfortable at first so that makes it harder to relax the muscles. Once the muscles finally relaxed, I could feel the spine realigning and it felt good. I rated 4 stars primarily dues to the difficulty in centering the spine on it although, in all fairness, I don't know how they could have designed it differently. Bottom line: If the dog ate it, I'd buy another.
Mark H
I ordered this out of desperation after a slipped disc kept me bent over and in constant pain for two weeks. I have too high a deductible to run to the doctor for everything so this was my last chance before undergoing expensive tests and treatment. It worked like a charm and got my spine back in alignment. I felt a few pops and then relief. I find 6 or 8 minutes all that is needed and only when I feel back strain. I did not experience anything negative and had no trouble at all finding the right position. The Spine Worx comes with explicit instructions on how to align yourself and the proper way to get up after treatment. I can see where there could be trouble if you fail to follow these instructions. I used this in combination with the Homedic's Shiatsu massage chair and have been completely pain free for about two months now. This was pain muscle relaxers and pain killers couldn't touch!! I highly recommend this product if you are willing to follow the recommended guidelines.
As a 50 y/o male who has suffered from back pain since a teen, I know how back related issues discount our quality of life. I have been and I remain a Chiropractic patient but found the time & expense needed for relief long and pricy, so I thought I'd try the Spine-Worx Back Realignment Device and am delighted with the results!
I use my Spine-Worx Device daily and three to five times on the weekend.
My back is "S" shaped (from left to right) and with the Spine-Worx, I get closer to an "I" with every treatment.
Word of advice; there will be discomfort, especially when you first begin. Follow the directions exactly and if desired, place a soft, fluffy, lush folded towel over the device and reduce the recommended time. Then, as comfort allows, gradualy, shorten your towels thickness and stretch your time.
Listen to relaxing, meditative music, permit your body to release all tension. Then, when your time is complete, be quiet, be gentle and proceed slowly getting up. This allows your muscles to become acquainted to its new, invigorated position.
I highly recommend this product and wish I would have used it long before now.
I am back on Amazon tonight to order another one of these for my husband so we don't fight over the one we have! I was having severe hip/back spasms since last August and trips to two different chiropractors weren't helping, so I ordered this thinking perhaps it is worth a try since I was getting desperate having a 16 month old toddler to lift, etc. The day this arrived my back gave out and I dropped to my knees. I have no idea why, I was only standing still, but it aggrivated my herniated disk. With this combined with the hip spasms I couldn't put any weight on my right hip at all and started using an old pair of crutches, but even that was painful. It was a true godsend that this came when it did. The next day I decided I would try this device even though I thought it could make things worse, but I knew as it was I could barely move and so to me it was worth any possible risk. So I tried it. A few disks moved in my mid back immediately. I only was on it a few seconds because the muscles in my low back certainly weren't going to relax much just then. But with only those few seconds when I got back up I was amazed that I could bear weight on my right hip. Cool! A couple hours later I spent a few more seconds on this device and again about every couple hours through the day. By 3:00 pm I was walking without the crutches (originally tried it at 10 am) and by 5pm I was picking up and carrying my 23lb toddler!! I could hardly believe it. I had been in so much pain for so many months. It still was sore, but not painful. It took a few days for the muscle soreness to go away, but the spasms stopped and my herniated disk stopped bothering. I can still hardly believe it. It took about a week for me to be able to lay all the way down on it and sometimes it takes some time now for my back to fully relax, but now whenever I get a spasm and can't stand up straight I just use this for a minute or so and I can move without pain again. Maybe this just works really well with my particular problem (not sure what that is, but I have a rotated hip that is finally starting to resolve with doing Egoscue e-cises too - see the book Pain Free or Pain Free for Women by Pete Egoscue for details -- really awsome books!), but I just know it has done absolute wonders for me. My husband loves it too and uses it every day. Before I had to hire someone to come in and help me take care of my baby because of my back and now that isn't an issue. It is wonderful! I would recommend if your back hurts when getting on this to only use it for a few seconds at first. I still don't use it for more than a minute because I don't feel my back is ready for more yet. And be careful to get up the way they recommend (rolling to your side, waiting, moving up to your knees, waiting, then get up). It seems to just be made of rubber and plastic, but to me it is invaluable. My many thanks to the man who developed it and the people who make and sell it.'
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