I needed this product because three basement lights were all pull-strings, and my kids could not reach them to turn them on and off. Because I put a playroom downstairs, I wanted to give them a little bit more independence. I purchased three of this product because product description said that you could put multiple lights on one frequency. Very innovative!
When I received the product, the installation was a snap. We chose to use the sticky pads instead of the screws. We have found that because of the wireless aspect, the lights down always turn on and off when you click them. They are a bit touchy. Also, they have to be mounted in a place with a clear view to the light fixture (i.e. not around the corner) or this increases the touchiness. This is the only reason I gave it 4 stars. Otherwise, I (and my children) are perfectly happy with them. Carlon HW2162 Wireless Light Socket Switch
This product is great, I have only had these in use for a week so far, but they are a real time saver for installation is a snap. It is nice to have the double sided tape along with the screws (a choice on how to mount) included in the package, especially since I have an old house with plaster and latte, and using screws to install can be more of a hassle than it is worth. Also this product is so clearly a quality product, very well made, and I expect it will last a long time. The ability to use four different channels to prevent interferance with other units used in the same vicinity is really nice. Also for a multi light fixture you can put all lights on one frequency, and control from one switch. These devices are working well with my compact florescent bulbs too!(what a plus).
4/11/09 I was asked for more detail, these lights get their power from the socket that they screw into, therfor the lights power source has not changed. The switch for the wall has a small very long life battery in it, I am not sure of the lifetime for this battery, but due to the kind of load, and use it will get I would expect them to last for many years. I am still very satisfied with this product, and would purchase them again in a heartbeat. Money well spent!
4/2/11 Unfortunately these units that I put in my sons room, are no longer working. I believe that the reason they no longer can be turned on or off is due to overheating. They were used in a cieling fixture with glass housings for the lights with tight tolerances to the units, which when the unit stopped switching I noted that the unit was very hot, I think next time I will try this same unit with the glass housing removed to allow better air circulation to maintain temperature and therfore extend the lifetime of the unit. Overall still very satisfied with this device. I think they definately need the air movement though to extend lifetime.
I am happy with the performance of this product.
However, installation leaves something to be desired. The screw holes do not match up with standard wall mount hardware. So you can't just pull an existing switch out, hard wire the light and then throw this switch over it.
We had a place where we needed a second light switch for a three way light effect. So I purchased two sets because you can set them to the same frequency. That is cool.
Also the switch plate they give you does not pull tight against so you get a slight hollow behind look. If you didn't paint all the way to the switch mounting, you can see bare wall behind it.
However, it has been working great.
5 stars for functionality
2 for ascetics.
Using this wireless switch for a closet light with a pull chain.
Initially, the switch only worked 7 out of 10 times... until I fine tuned it...
1) Make sure the switch is orientated the correct way to the cover plate...
2) Make sure the top of the switch is up when installed...
3) Make sure the two cover plate screws are tightened enough...
Now... the switch very rarely does not work on the 1st touch.
I would buy one again.
I got this for a light in the hallway that was previously operated by a button on the actual fixture. Our options in replacing the fixture were pretty limited until I came across this. When I first tried it, it didn't work at all. Then I changed it to channel C on both (the default was A) and it worked. I was about to return it but couldn't find the invoice and decided to tinker with it. Now it works great and it's exactly the solution I was looking for since I was able to put a normal wall sconce even though there is no hard wired light switch for the fixture.
I purchased this product as a temporary solution as I work on a room...Love it...it does what it says it does...it is wireless so at times the response may not take when you hit the switch but this is in rare occassions....anyhow, the product works well using the new florescent energy savings bulbs...will use the regular light bulbs later on to see if the heat generated will affect the product as some commentators have said (I will do this just for my curiosity)...but for the meanwhile, great product especially since you can put the switch whereever you like...ENJOY AND WORTH THE COST...
If you are unfortunate enough to have purchasd this product, you will find that it turns on/off unreliably. The package lists the maximum range is 50 ft. No way! I found out that you have to be in clear line of sight and no more than 12 ft. Any obstruction definitely degrades performance. Not what you would expect. Buyer beware!
I purchased 3 of these in the fall of '10 and they have all failed. I am a professional handyman, and while I always recommend the always reliable method of running wire and installing a standard switch, that can be costly. I offer my customers this option as a significant savings, with the caveat that there are disadvantages (batteries that must be replaced, unreliable wireless signaling, and a less-than-solid switch). In years past, I always used Heath's similar product. It uses a 9-volt battery and has proven to be much more reliable. Some of those units, installed 5 years ago or more, are still working. However, as far as I've been able to learn, Heath only offers two channels, meaning you cannot install more than two of these in your house or they will interfere with each other. That has not been a problem until late last year when a customer asked me to install these switches in 3 closets. I used one Heath, and two Carlons, as they have 4 channels. One of the Carlons died within 6 weeks. I determined through switching out the components with the other working light that it was the receiver at fault (the part that screws into the light socket). I purchased the third unit right away to replace the defective one, and sent the defective unit to the company for a refund. They would not give me money - only another switch/receiver unit. Great - that's like going to a restaurant and getting lousy food and then getting a coupon for a free meal on your next visit. I did receive the replacement unit. Last week, my client called and said both [Carlon] lights do not work. This is one of the originals I purchased, along with the replacement I purchased 6 weeks later later. I measured the voltage on all the batteries and they were all reading about 3.2 volts each (well above the required 6). I have not tested them yet with a working unit but I tried both switches (transmitter) on each of the receivers and nothing works on any channel, so I am guessing it is again the receiver. This is the part other reviewers have said gets very hot (it does). At this point I am recommending that the client put two Heath units in two closets and hard wire the third closet. (By the way, the original Heath I installed at this home is still working.) I will not waste money and time on this Carlon product again. I can pretty much guarantee if you have one that is working, it won't be for long. I do however, recommend a Heath unit. They have been very reliable for me and my clients over the long haul. Just be aware that if you need more than two, they will overlap each other, even at opposite ends of the house - the signal is relatively strong. - Wireless Switch - Remote Switch - Lightning Switch Wireless - Wireless'
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