There's not much to say about the formula itself. We have had excellent results using it with our son. In fact, our doctor recommended it for people like us that wanted to transition off of breastfeeding and also bottle feed. The fact that it's cheaper than some of the other alternatives is a plus. This package from Amazon is a great value. It ends up being cheaper than we can find it in B&M stores-even with coupons! The delivery to our front door is an extra bonus! :) Gerber Good Start Gentle, Powder, 12.7-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)
This is one of THE BEST formulas on the market because it is closer to the composition of breastmilk. Good Start is 100% whey proteins (which is what makes it so easily digestible) and contains probiotics, which most of the others do not. You will notice less spitting up and easier bowel movements using this formula. Give it a couple of weeks for your baby's digestive system to adjust. There is a difference in taste so you might try a slow transition making 3 parts of your current formula to one part Good Start and then slowly add more each day or feeding. Dirty diapers may more closely resemble those of breast-fed babies as well, more greener, pastier, and seedy - this is normal. This is definitely a great formula with infants who spit-up a lot or have acid reflux. I would try this one first before using one of the more expensive brands such as Nutramigen, Allimentum, etc. These have such a bitter taste!
Transitioning from breast milk to a formula was a parade of sad, wasted formulas that my boy would NOT drink. It got so bad, he was even dropping weight because he was only drinking when I got home from work (straight from the source, picky little booger). We tried six other formulas before googling best formula for breast-fed babies and this one popped up as number one on some type of consumer website. The smell is not as bad as other formulas and it did not cause gas discomfort in him. I highly recommend this- even for those folks who believe their babies are lactose intolerant. Try this formula first before putting your babies on those super-expensive hypoallergenic formulas. My baby was also a colicky baby, if that helps.
I ordered GSGP last month and instead received the "no plus" version. Unfortunately I didn't realize it until after I opened it. Luckily I had no issues with my daughter using this formula. I checked with my pediatrician to see if there would be a big difference and she said no. However, this is besides the point....I am surprised at this error since Amazon.com has always been accurate and on time. Be aware!!
I ordered another 6 pack of GSGP last week and AGAIN received the Good Start Gentle instead. What is going on???? This is rediculous and although in our case our daughter will use it, there are plenty of mom's out there who are greatly affected by this switch. This is unacceptable and we should be issued some sort of acknowledgment of this mistake and credit to our accounts. Unacceptable.
I see that another person had the same issue....
I ordered a 6-pack of Gerber Good Start Gentle PLUS (as pictured), and received Good Start Gentle, no plus. I'd rather not mess with my baby's tummy. I didn't open it, so it's going back.
***edited 04/30/11***
I contacted Gerber directly and was told that this is the same product. What was previously called 'gentle plus' is now just called 'gentle'.
I ordered a six pack case of Gentle Plus powder (at this link), and amazon sent me regular Gentle. I had already opened the package before I realized the difference, so I can't return it. My baby doesn't like it nearly as well. Beware of ordering this product. - Good Start - Baby - Formula - Acid Reflux'
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