This product is great and is highly effective. I have worked in pharmacy for 3 years and have seen people spend a lot of money on prescription acne treatments that basically do the same thing but only cost more, especially if you dont have insurance. This strength of Benzoyl Peroxide used to be RX only, but now is over the counter. It is rather strong and I do suggest that you follow the instructions on the package, especially if you have sensitive skin, to "ease into it", even if you are tempted to put it on 2-3 times a day at the very beginning. It may cause your skin to become very dry and flaky, somewhat ruining the benefits. Overtime though, many people's skin gets used to it and then you can increase the application as neeed.
As other people have mentioned this product does say that it is a gel, but in fact is a white cream and does leave some residue on the skin. The good news is that Clean & Clear has just come out with the same product as this in a clear gel!! I saw it the other day at a Walgreens!
One thing I do have to say though, is that someone previous to me, mentioned that this product is the same as the RX product ClidaGel, which is not true. ClindaGel contain benzoyl Peroxide, but it alos contains clindamycin which is another acne fighting engredient. I just thought that I should mention that in case anyone reading this uses ClindaGel.
Overall, this is definately a great product!!! Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10, Maximum Strength 1
If you need to get rid of a zit fast, then this is the best out there, in my experience.
I put this on any zit (or blackhead trying to become a zit) that I spy before bed, and it knocks that sucker out. It does make my skin peel a tad, and it will probably do the same to you, so be careful not to overuse. Also, make sure you use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer as well if your skin is really sensitive.
EDIT: Something else that's great: This product caused old acne scars on my chin to fade very quickly. Acne scars are the worst because even if the zit goes away it looks like you still have it! So this product is great for that as well.
SECOND EDIT: I wrote this review several years ago. I'm now 29 and this product doesn't work the same for me as it used to. So your experience with it may vary depending on how old you are. When I was younger, it was the best! Now that I'm older, I find products with tea tree oil work better for me. Also: beware, this product will bleach any fabric it comes in contact with.
I have thin, oily skin and used to have pimples ravaging my nose and cheeks. This product has cured my acne without aggravating my skin. I've tried every (pricey) spot treatment under the sun, from Neutrogena to Clarins to DDF, and this product is one of the better ones.
Unfortunately, this product is **NOT A GEL** as advertised! It is a white cream that can leave splotches as it dries. I usually apply this after moisturizing so I don't get splotches anyway, but this is something that buyers should know: the packaging is truly misleading.
This stuff is amazing! I think I've tried almost every product out there, including prescriptions, and Persagel gave me clear skin in only a few weeks, and has kept it clear for months! I find the best routine is to clean your skin with a mild soap at night and apply a thin layer all over (it really helps prevent). In the morning, clean it off and apply moisturizer, something with SPF is best, as this medication will make your skin extremely sensitive to the sun. Do watch for bleaching though, I've ruined quite a few towels with this stuff!
This product works great. I've been using benzoyl peroxide - based over - the - counter acne treatments for at least 30 years and I'm ordering some more right now. But there is a caution that I should remember, but I recently forgot. Benzoyl peroxide is a bleach (they even use it in Asia to bleach flour, just check the label on your Ramen package). It can bleach literally anything. Recently I ruined a new set of expensive sheets and pillow cases, and left a bleached spot on my new comforter. So now I bought a nice set of white sheets and am trying to find a more color fast duvet cover.
I've also figured out what the small white spots in the carpet are. I've bleached out places in the carpet where I figure the residual on my fingers touched it. (I tend to put the benzoyl on as a final thing after the evening shower while at the bath room sink and in the past I generally haven't washed off the residual on my fingers.) I've determined I was picking something off the carpet or I sat down, using my hand to brace me. Poly/cotton blends seem to be more resistant to benzoyl peroxide than 100% cotton. Although completely man - made blends in the carpet have been bleached. So I'm not sure there is a hard and fast rule.
This would be good for parents to know and to enforce a 'hand washing' rule after use. Or just keep in mind when you find that really nice set of colorful sheets at Overstock.
I rarely review products, but just had to throw out my kudos to this product. I am a 29 female and have suffered with acne for 15+ years. It never seemed to get any better, despite expensive prescriptions. Most of my breakouts were around my jawline and hairline, although no part of my face could really escape it! For the last two years I have been trying to combat my acne with an expensive combination of antibiotics + birth control + salicylic face wash + aczone ($$!) and retin-a. Nothing cleared my breakouts.
Thank goodness for my love of amazon and everyone who has used this product and written their reviews! I decided to give persa-gel a shot and with a $5 price tag, I had nothing to lose.
The results are nothing short of AMAZING!! Persa-gel IMMEDIATELY cleared my breakouts, and has prevented new acne. The first day or two my skin was a little flakey in some spots, but after that no problems. I have been using this for about 2-3 weeks and have had ZERO new breakouts. I can run my hands along my face and my face feels smooth (and I can't feel ANY small bumps or clogged pores under the surface!!). I even used this on a small/picked at sore near my hairline that didn't seem to improve after a week or two. I used persa-gel on it and it IMMEDIATELY began to dry up and heal. REMARKABLE! As someone who picks at their skin too much (guilty), I love that this product almost seemed to HEAL my skin. I love that this product dries out acne, but doesn't make my skin flakey. Plus it rubs right in clear and very little product is needed.
I am so impressed with this product and recommend it to anyone to try. I am throwing out all my expensive prescriptions since I have found a new SOLUTION:
Wash with Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask with Clarisonic Brush
Use Neutrogena Clear Pore Toner applied with cotton pad
Moisturize with Olay Total Effects moisturizer
Only on occasionally I use persa-gel as a spot treatment on any existing breakouts before makeup (Bare Minerals)
Wash with Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask with Clarisonic Brush
Use Neutrogena Clear Pore Toner applied with cotton pad
Moisturize with Olay Total Effects Night Firming cream (allow to absorb for 5-15 minutes)
Apply small amount of persa-gel to entire face, concentrating on breakout areas (rub in a small drop on problem areas)
Also taking Zinc (50 mg) + Copper (2.5 mg) nightly
*If you use moisturizer in conjunction with persa-gel, I advise using moisturizer PRIOR to persa-gel and allowing it to absorb for 5-15 minutes first. I have tried persa-gel first, and even after waiting before applying moisturizer, when I did, some persa-gel ended up getting too close to my eyes and irritating the delicate skin. - Acne Treatment - Adult Acne - Benzoyl Peroxide - Blemish Control'
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