All four cores unlocked easily (provided your board/BIOS support this). Keep in mind that at 4 cores watts/consumption goes up to around 94W if you have a board that limits CPU wattage. Also, at 4 cores turbo boost only gets you 3.5Ghz, not the 3.8 in dual core. Not to fear, for an 80W CPU it is neck and neck with the 125+ crowd. Not sure how far you'd want to OC it though...if you look at the thermal sheet...[...]
Definitely an awesome deal. AMD Phenom II X2 560 Processor, Black Edition (HDZ560WFGMBOX)
I have never attempted overclocking before, but, with this processor I have unlocked cores and overclocked the whole computer. I have four cores running stable at just under 4.0 GHz. I am sure that the machine will do better with more tweaking and more learning curve for me. All because of this processor.
Microcenter offered a Gigabyte DDR3 Motherboard with this thing for $15 after rebate, added a 500GB Seagate 7.2K drive and $30 worth or Patriot 1333mhz memory and a $17 case and had a kick a55 rig for about $265.
Gigabyte MB can unlock cores, didn't work for me, but must apps can't do anything with the extra 2 cores anyway unless you run expensive multi core capable apps.
great product, for the price, fast shipping, easy to over clockd default speed, 3.30mhz, i oc it to 3.8 stock cooler and fan, love it, i highly recommand, it's faster then my other one that came with the system, thx - Computer - Ddr3 - Am3 - Phenom Ii X6'
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