If you need to understand the nuts and bolts of 802.11n, you need this book. It goes into great detail. The explanations are as simple as possible but no simpler. It is densely packed with good information on 802.11n. It focuses strictly on 802.11(n) and does not go off on tangents.
The book begins with how MIMO works. It explains it rigorously without much spoonfeeding. Then it goes into interoperability with a/g devices with background into why they did it how they did it and what that means for users. It goes to explain various PHY and MAC level enhancements and features that come with 802.11n.
This book will be invaluable for someone writing software for 802.11n APs, bridges, and sniffers. Serious users of 802.11n, even if they're debugging networks and not writing software, will need the level of detail provided by this book. The book does not have quick and practical answers to questions that knowledgeable engineers installing or using an 802.11n network might ask. This book is about the nuts and bolts only. Next Generation Wireless LANs: Throughput, Robustness, and Reliability in 802.11n
For people who working on 802.11n, they can not afford to miss this book. This is a book written by engineers who are actually working on the real product. The book helps reader to navigate through the complex 802.11n standard, and provides valuable design techniques.
Even for people not working on 802.11n, this book still serves as a nice reference book for MIMO and OFDM technology. I am not working on 802.11n, I am working on WiMAX. but the MIMO technology described in this book is far more better than any WiMAX book.
For anyone who is unfamiliar with the IEEE 802.11n standard amendment, this book is an excellent introduction and reference. It provides great summarized technical information and pointers into the .11n standard amendment for futher reference. It is also an excellent reference on OFDM and MIMO channel characteristics and modeling. A great book for IT managers getting ready to deploy this new technology. A MUST read for all engineers and IT staffers working and testing 802.11n. The book is one of the best ever written on 802.11! Kudo's to the authors for a great book!
This is a well written book. This book explains both PHY and MAC concepts pretty extensively. This book has something for everyone. I would have personally preferred if they had devoted the entire book to the working of MAC though. Good part of having this book is I don't have to refer to the 11n spec for every small detail. The book does a good job of condensing the 11n spec'
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