I own lots of nailers, and a PC pin nailer. The PC is good but only allows 1 inch pins. I love the pins, as they are almost invisible when driven. I needed longer pins, so I bought this item..... GREAT. Very high quality. GREX P645L 23-Gauge 1-3/4-Inch Length Headless Pinner with Lock-Out
The Grex gun is a whole lot better than the old Senco I have been using for way too long.This gun will sink the head (if it had one} into oak about .0125,just enough for a bit of puddy.The only thing I dont like is the saftey trigger.Other than that its Great.
I was using my buddies 23g pinner to hang cabinet crown molding.. About every other nail would not sink and my only option was to pull the nail and try again.. After finally getting too frustrated to keep going on, I went to the big box stores to see what they had... I didn't see anything that really made me believe they'd work any better than what I was already using, so I went online and did some research... It didn't take long before I saw a pattern of everyone pointing towards Grex (I've never even heard of them before this)... The gun was a lot more expensive than anything else I was looking at, but decided I ony wanted to buy this tool once and so I ordered it on Amazon...
The rest is history... I've ran several thousand nails through this gun (baseboard, crown molding, trim, etc.)... Not even one jam.. And the only time I had a nail not sink all the way was me not paying attention to the fact my air compressor had come unplugged... This is a great pin gun. Its super quiet and light... The fact that it shoots up to 1 3/4" pins is just too perfect!! I would never use anything else... I, Like another reviewer, don't care much about the safety trigger... Takes a bit getting used too, especially when your'e stretched out trying to get a pin into an akward spot, but its easily overlooked with all the other benefits it delivers (and I'm sure sooner or later I'll be happy that safety trigger was there). - Nail Gun - Micro Pinner - Grex - Woodworking'
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