I was 11 when I wrote my last review over a year ago. My rating hasn't changed, but I'm going to include some great things I forgot to mention last year. The gameplay is super-cool and moves fluidly in the third-person perspective given in the game. The multiplayer is similar to Syphon Filter 2 and 3 except for that five-minute timer. The babes are hot and during the game, you will find yourself unlocking secret areas. Also, about the multiplayer, you can play Duke in different costumes, like Red Duke, Blue Duke, Western Duke, etc. The arenas are huge and brilliantly done. The graphics, even with the typical PlaySataion glitches look superb. Duke also has a funny attitude. If you want to hear him say, "I'm going to kick you in the nuts!" or "It's a** kickin' time!" you must buy this game. Here's a tip: try your best to make Duke mad and he will say something so funny that you'll be rolling. As for the weapons, you start off with a Desert Eagle and then move on to more sophisticated equipment like the Gatling Gun and an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade, not "role-playing game). If you're a hardcore action gamer with either a PS1 or PS2, you will never, ever regret buying this game. Duke Nukem Time To Kill
Graphics: 7/10 - Neat character creations and fantastic hard guns make up for the occasional sense of effortlessness in the graphics.Sound: 9/10 - Great guns fire away with heart-pounding brilliance in sound and editing!Value: 10/10 - With fun games like Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, you can't get enough. It's worth the money you pay for it because it's fabulously entertaining and will keep you glued to the screen for ages!Overall: 8/10 - Dirty, sexy, hilarious, neat, action-packed, thrilling, fun...it would take another few reviews to put all the adjectives that describe this game. Just play it and see for yourself! Not recommended for people under 16 years of age.
To like this game you have to enjoy riddling enemies with bullets, scantilly clad chicks, big guns, humourous, often profane duke-talk, and interactive environments. Doesn't sound hard to like does it? Well, you're right. Not recommended for younger gamers, but definitely recommended for the mature player. The levels are often complex, and there are more puzzles than usual, even in third person!
For the first time see Duke in third-person perspective.Duke Nukem is absolutely the best game on ps1(followed closely by soul reaver 1)because it has guns,strippers(fun to kill),humor,and above all else Duke Nukem.
Story:You are on your way to you faveorite strip club.While there the Pigs come and turn Duke's 'hog into a pink trike and kill a lot of people.Kill the people but mess with Duke's 'hog your gonna pay.
Gameplay:Similar to the Tomb Raider series but better.Sure we now have Dual Analog games but once you get used to it it is fun.Manual aiming is good but the auto aim is even better.Swiiming is a cinch.Plus you get to kill strippers!
Weapons:Awesome weapons.Your trusty pistol the Desert Eagle never fails to kill,the Combat Shotgun kicks series Booty(licious),the Buffalo Rifle is awesome,the Chain Gun kills all in the way,the Mighty Boot which is fun but dangerous to us and many other fantastic weapons.
Graphics:Excellent in their day but not so good now.But you can see everything that you need to to finish a level.Although what more than makes up fo the graphics is the ability to blow your enemies to bits with a pipe bomb.You actually see the arms,legs and head go flying around.Also,if you're a good shot you can blow off a pigs head.If the Pig is close to the wall he leaves a blood stain(or several)on the walls and floor.Enemies are designed great and Duke looks like he benches 800lbs.Interact with almost everything and anybody.
Missions:Fun yet difficult.No blow this up,kill this guy,or get out before time runs out garbage.Just find a way to reach the exit.
Levels:Designed great.Long and Perty.
Humor:Duke is one funny son-uva-gun.He says all these stupid yet funny things like I've got balls of steel! and Come get some! plus all these other outragouse and not-for-Amazon.com things(play the game to find out what).Also this game has strong sexual themes for those of you that are sensetive about that but you can turn the gore off if you want.
The Bad:A little difficult near the end,ammo depletes fast,and health seems to deteriorate in gun fights(it goes from 100 to 65 and you're like wha!!??).That is all I see bad in this awesome game and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I've read some of the reviews of this game and wondered what was going on. I've played the game and found it to be quite a great game. Sure the challenge is there. This game is like a cross between Tomb Raider and Duke Nukem. There are puzzles and platform features. But there are Duke characteristics to the game such as his humorous one-liners and antics. The learning curve is quite steep but after playing it for a while I got used to the controls. The controls are unorthodox only because the designers tried to fit a lot of moves etc. to the Playstation controller. But you will get used to the controllers if you keep at it. For those that complained that the game is too hard maybe they need to play games that are more suited for them. Video games are supposed to be challenging. Not the spoon-fed garbage that pass as video games but are in actuality interactive novels. Duke Nukem Time To Kill is simply put a great game if you are willing to put in the effort to learn the controls. If you do, you will find a fun game that is worth your time.
I made a big mistake when I first reviewed Duke Nukem: Time to Kill and gave the game 4 stars. It turns out that, as the game goes along, you're required to climb, swim and basically luck out avoiding gunshots from enemies. Enemies will ALWAYS hit you at least once before you can hit them. Not fair. The game is too hard, and the play control makes me absolutely sick. For some reason, you have to hit the Up button if you want to swim down. Makes NO sense at all.
The framerate is so slow and choppy I just decided that, after walking into a wall for the millionth time, it was time to put this game in the trash. When you walk into a wall, Duke stops moving completely and just stands there like an idiot. You will walk into a wall ALL the time because it's so hard controlling Duke. Some people might put this game is the garbage because of the bad example it sets for kids, but others (like me) threw it away because a challenge should NEVER lie in just trying to move your character from point A to point B. Please, avoid this horrible waste of plastic.
Hundreds of better games for the Playstation are available if you're looking to start up a collection. Avoid games like this one where just walking around becomes the biggest challenge you will face. God what was I thinking giving this game 4 stars. I should have collected my thoughts first. - Duke Nukem - Love It - Action - First Person'
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