I highly recommend this brand of brake pads. I do not value performance, I value getting high mileage. These wear longer than Toyota Sienna original equipment pads which cost 55$, which went 19K miles when they wore out and scratched the rotors. (Sienna is unusual, the Toyota pads don't last, I get 19K miles on my Toyota pads on '04 Sienna and 90K miles on my '98 Avalon.) These are far longer wearing than any of the best brake pads offered for sale that I have purchased from Pep Boys, Sherbas, Autozone, and all the rest. Not having to change the brake pads every time I change the oil, which is exactly what I had to do with the best of the Pep Boys pads for this vehicle, is nice. Now testing the Akebono competition, will get back to you on which wears longer. Toyota put too small an area rotors/pads on Sienna, and we drive it mostly unloaded and generally very moderately. Bendix D906 Front Ceramic Disc Brake Pad Set
Replaced OEM pads with these around 42K miles - the stopping distances were a little longer with these pads and they wore out very, very quickly. At 55K I need a new set of pads now. These only cost me 1/2 the money of regular ceramic pads, but lasted less than 1/2 the life of a regular one - means you will pay twice as much in labor/time. I would avoid these for now. I am going to try Akebono this time and post results.'
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