Would first like to say, theres not many, if more then a hand full, of bluetooth speaker adapters. I have speakers in my house that I wanted to connect my laptop to. Without making a mess of wires and having to uncomfortably change songs from my laptop, I searched for this very device. The range is not that far, give or take 15 feet from room to room which is fine for me. As technology advances, so will the range of this device. But its easy to connect and has the quality of wired. Not to mention the price is great compared to the motorola device that is on amazon. BT-iSpeaker Bluetooth Adapter For Speaker
It's plug and go, that is, my iphone recognizes it and I can easily stay in my 5 meter range. Power indicator led is annoying but easy to tape over. Need the cable but other than that it does its job well.
I got to say i tried the few blue tooth wireless speaker they got out there, this one is the best i came accross. It leave the place clean , no wires to worry about and last but not least it actually works. i recommend this product.
there are some products that just work and this one of them. when I received it, it came in one of those frustration free packagings. it came with a Y audio cable to connect to the stereo. I used my own more expensive gold plated cable for better connection. I plugged it into an outlet, plugged in the 3.5mm cable jack and the other end into the cd output of my surround sound receiver.scanned for it with my motorola droid and they paired instantly with no problems. i started streaming my music wirelessly and it couldn't have been easier. the range within my house was about 30 feet and that's even after i go into another room. It was still even connected and streaming even when i went out on my deck. I highly recommend this product. - Bluetooth Speakers - Bluetooth Speaker - Bluetooth Receiver - Bluetooth'
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