I have a most of the VersaPak tools sold to date and really do like their ease of use. We have the circular saw, 2 reciprocating saws, 5 flashlights, 2 drills, 1 stick screwdriver, 1 scumbuster that I can think of right now. THESE ARE ALL GREAT TOOLS!They do have one BIG SHARED PROBLEM. Battery life (or lack of it).I currently have 10 DEAD VersaPak silver batteries in my kitchen drawer and NONE are over 24 months old. The standard silver battery will hold a useful charge for about 30 days on the shelf. NONE of my silver batteries have lasted more than 14 months and a few of them died within 8 months. I do NOT put them through a charge/discharge cycle even once a day - so they are NOT lasting the '300 cycles' that B&D claims.I just purchased 2 GOLD VersaPak batteries in May 2002 and they REALLY DO LAST LONGER while working. I hope they last longer than 12 months though. I certainly HOPE that B&D will FIX this battery problem. I like the tools, but I may need to switch to another vendor's products if this battery issue is not resolved soon. Black & Decker VP135 VersaPak 3.6-Volt 2-Port 3 Hour Stick Style Battery Charger with 2 VP100 Batteries
I'd have to agree with other reviewers that these batteries HAVE MEMORY and last nowhere near as long as Black and Decker would like you to believe. I have probably 20 of these batteries and always charge them correctly, rotate them, keep them in matched sets, and they just die after a couple of years. In many cases, it's cheaper to buy VersaPak tools (with batteries) and throw away the tools. Luckily, the tools don't last either ;) You really have to view the VersaPak line as disposables.
I have the entire works of BD cordless power tools including the flashlight, scum buster, vacuum, cordless drill, recip saw etc., but no batteries. I had the ones that came with the tools plus some extras I purchased seperately. After a year of use, none will take a charge. What a waste, it is a great idea, but I guess the technology is not there year. ...
great idea - lots of different tools all use same rechargeable batteries. BUT these batteries die in <1 year. I have a whole set of tools that use these, but now my choice is: spend $60/yr on batteries, or get a new set of tools that will last longer! Pretty easy decision at this point... considering I already have a great Craftsman drill and there are other tools that use the same batteries.
BE WARNED - if you buy these you will be buying them forever.
Although the VP125 readily fulfills my occasional household needs, I purchased it to replace one which shorted out after way too little use. My experience with Black & Decker products has been that they are built for planned obsolescence. They are not quality products and they do not last. If they were priced lower they may be a better bargin. I avoid Black & Decker products when making new purchases.
Hello, I got 1 VersaPak stick screwdriver w/ 1 battery and 1 Recharge set w/ 2 batteries on Christmas presents 3 years ago. I used up all 3 battieres rotation on 1 Screwdriver for 3 years then all of them are dead which mean I used 1 dead battery per year. Is it make sense? Thank you for this attention.
I have the silver batteries. They are for the scum buster and their battery operated blender. The products are very good but the the batteries dont workvery well. They give good service at first but after about 8 months or so they just die. I would not use Black and Decker until they change the batteries to something that will actually give 300 charges. These batteries are not cheap and you have no where else to go but from B&D. Maybe the new gold ones will work better. Forget the silver ones.
B&D's claims for the batteries are just not true. I have had the same problems with very short battery life and intermittent charger described in other reviews. I have gone through several sets of gold batteries (don't even try the cheaper ones!).
And now, to make matters worse, you can't buy replacements locally anymore (they have been replaced by other tools with different batteries) and have to scour the internet trying to keep my tools working.
I will be replacing my tools very soon, I'm sure. The only reason I give 2 stars instead of one is that the tools do work pretty well when you can get a new battery in them. - Cordless Tool - Black decker - Versa Pak - Chargers'
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