I'll say that I love this product. I purchased 2 of the same product in 1987. I finally had to trash them, as the non-stick coating was so gone, that it was a disaster trying to remove the eggs.
I just purchased 2 more. However, I thought that maybe I should try another brand first, as I saw that several other brands looked better, cost more, but must be better (assuming that they were). Well, no way! I will write a review on one of the others advertised here that I got about 3 weeks ago.
First off, there are no cons about this poacher.
Here are the things I love and missing on others: 1) I love the depth and size of each of the depressions. I always coat the depressions with margerine before inserting the eggs in each depression. 2) Done Eggs slip out with no problem 3) Years ago I used ones with individual cups but actually prefer this with depressions better. Here's why: If you look at the picture you may see a small slot and a round hole. You use either to remove the top plate using a silverware knife or any utensil that fits the hole. Using the utensil to remove the top plate, I transfer to the other hand with a potholder. Using a small flexible plastic spatula coax the eggs out. They slip out easily and saves time over using/washing individual cups.
Now that I think about it more, I would like to have a vented-glass lid to see the progress. Another thing, after using a 4-banger from another company, I would love to have an additional egg depression. I bought two units because I like 2 eggs and my wife likes two. I have used 2 units for many years, so it is natural.
For my money, this unit is MUCH better than more expensive ones. As I mentioned, I bought others when I had to throw out my old ones. I bought 3 other more expensive units and they are a waste of money....literally.
Buy this unit and, despite only 3 egg slots, it's all-around the best.
BTW, I've seen others say they can't get the timing down.
1/4 inch of water in the pan
I will coat with margerine and then add eggs before starting the burner.
Start the burner on high.
We like toast, so when the unit starts steaming, turn down to 3/4 and start the toast. When the medium toast pops, the eggs are just about ready (soft, but not jellied). Toast to the plates, knife to the top plate, burner off, switch to pot holder(ed) hand, slide out on the toast!
Great breakfast! Hope you enjoy yours as we have enjoyed ours! T-Fal/Wearever/Mirro 7124530 Comet 3-Egg Poacher
I just received my egg poacher and it is not a T-Fal/Wearever as advertised. Instead it has the name of Mirro classic on the shrink wrap. I have other T-Fal pots and pans and are some of the heaviest and best made in my opinion. This is made out of about as thin of material that won't crumble. Also the screw is stripped out of the knob and won't tighten up. I haven't used it as of yet, instead I have sent an email requesting the right one or a full refund. May work fine, I don't know, but isn't a T-fal and probably a $5.00 pan at best.
This is a great basic egg poacher. It's much easier to use than some of the fancier units out there, both traditional or electric. The cooked eggs release well, especially if a little drop of canola oil is rubbed into the depressions before adding the eggs. It's very straight forward to get the eggs cooked to just the correct firmness. Hard to beat at this price!
Would have helped to come with instructions, but I figured it out. (Just add water!) (And cooking spray) Lighter than I expected. Not exactly made with heavy duty materials, but gets the job done! Easy to use and clean. For the price, good buy!
This egg poacher is great, nothing like what I used to have. Very old fashioned. It took me a couple of times to get used to not having a cup to put egg into for cooking.They are formed in the insert. It is great. Now to get the timing down.
I was tired of frying eggs and breaking the yolk in the pan, so I came to Amazon looking for an egg poaching pan. This was very inexpensive...and honestly the quality of the pan is not all that great. But it works. The only problem is I've never poached eggs and didn't really know how to use it. It would have been helpful to have some instructions for the absolute novice, although it's not rocket science.
Here's what I found to do the job:
Put about an inch of water in the pan. I experimented with more and less and this seemed to be the best amount. Once it's too a boil, drop the eggs in the poacher. At four and a half minutes, the eggs don't get done quite enough. At five and half some of the yolk is overcooked. Five is about the best time although I'm still experimenting, hoping to find an exact time.
It does take longer than frying and if I'm in a hurry, I probably won't be able to use it. But otherwise, the eggs are perfect and perfectly round and ready for homemade egg mcmuffins.
This would probably be a three star product if it cost $20+ but for just $13, it gets an extra star. Overall, a worthy purchase.
I've had this poacher for ten years and I love it. It may be lightweight but it makes perfectly poached eggs every time. I boil 1/2" of water, put in the eggs, lower the heat to medium and cover for 4 minutes. Then I slide them onto a piece of toast with a rubber spatula. Inexpensive and works great. - Poacher - Cooking Gadgets - Egg Poachers'
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