Mobil 1 is one of those cases where you get what you pay for:
Sure, it's considerably more expensive per quart than regular oil. But you can run it many more months / hours than the ''old fashioned'' brands. And for those of us in colder climates, the difference in starting performance when it's really cold is amazing: Mobil 1 fully synthetic oil (all varieties) thickens a LOT less as the temperature drops. I can still start my vehicle even when it is well below zero degrees F. without plugging in the soft-plug heater; and even my big diesel tractor will start without heating well below freezing (for those of you from southern states: You have NO IDEA how cold 35-40 degrees BELOW zero F. feels; and how regular oil pretty much turns to a near-solid when it gets that cold). Mobil 1 44999 5w40 Turbo Diesel Truck - 1 gallon, Pack of 2
It is hard to find good diesel oil for a VW tdi, this is the perfect stuff, protects the engine and the turbo. I had my turbo burn out when using the oil that oil change places carry in stock, definitely worth getting the right oil.
Sometimes it's a great price here on Amazon and with free shipping, sometimes it makes sense to fly it in.
Otherwise can be had at Wallyworld and some times Tarjjey.
Great oil, although you have to be careful with mobile1 changing their formulas these days (and one reason I moved form 0-40w M1)
The product is top notch, but the only reason I ordered thru Amazon, is because I had thought that Wal Mart no longer carried the item. Just recently I discovered that it is back on the shelves at Wal Mart, and the price is still lower than what I paid thru Amazon.
I've been using the M1 TDT in every gasoline engine I own including motorcycles for over 5 years. Even though it is more expensive than non-synthetic, it is actually cheaper in the long run due to extended drain intervals. Better for the environment as well. I use 15,000 mile intervals for the cars and 7500 on the motorcycles as the gearboxes are much harder on viscosity. All of these engines are "high mileage" and yet continue to run as new. But the real reason I call the TDT virtually indestructible is due to an event that should have destroyed an engine containing a lesser lubricant.
We own a 1990 Lexus LS400 with 223,000 miles and it overheated/boiled over while coming over a coastal mountain pass while my wife was returning from a bridal shower. It is a hazardous descent and dangerous area to pull over. Needless to say she continued to drive the car for over 15 miles with the temperature gauge pegged! The engine got so hot that she said it was pinging so bad that it had no power and when she finally got to a place to pull over the engine died on its own and was smoking heavily from under the hood. When I got there the engine compartment was still smoking and the engine would not even turn over is was so hot. I figured the engine was seized and ruined and I was furious at her. We went home for dinner and then returned 4 hours later to meet the tow truck driver. Just for the heck of it I tried to start it and the engine fired right up! I refilled the coolant to get it home, flushed the cooling system, and changed the oil/filter with new TDT. That was over a year ago and the car still gets driven every day with no harm done. All hail Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel Truck. - Performance - Turbo - Motor Oil - Motor Oils'
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