Won't way in on the racial stuff, its light hearted and fun, I don't see a thing wrong with it.
Anyway, the product itself has one major shortcoming, and it has to do with the way the piece itself is designed. All of Obama's "hair" is on the top part of the chia pet, with a rather large amount of neck and base that you do nothing with.
The issue is that by the nature of the clay, it constantly sweats and loses water. But, if you have used a chia pet before, you know this already. The problem comes in that the hair goes all the way to the top, and if you don't water this thing almost hourly, the top will simply not stay wet enough for the seeds to grow.
Mine ended up looking like Larry off of the three stooges. Chia Obama Handmade Decorative Planter, Determined Pose
The water does not stay in the top part of the chia, so even with repeated fillings, only the seed on the lower half sprouted! I'm going to try another round of it, but it's really not designed very well.
For crying out loud! I don't see any racial connection here, I think it's a great collectors item....it's a Chia Pet!
You guys need to Ch- Ch-Ch-Change your way of thinking. There are more important things to think about.
I think this is hilarious. People are acting as if it's a secret that Obama has kinky hair or that is somehow a bad thing. It's not. Anyone offended is waaaaaaaaay too sensitive and basically has too much time on their hands. The fact that we have a black President is reason alone to lighten up. I've got more things to be offended about than a Chia head.
Gave this to my son for his birthday and it was his favorite present. Funny as h---. However, he cannot get the "hair" to grow on the top of the chia's head. Has anyone else experienced a void there?
Before purchasing Chia Obama, I was dying of cancer, my car was due to be repossessed, and my wife wanted a divorce. Since buying Chia Obama, I am considered cancer-free, I won the lottery and bought a Hummer, and my wife and I are in love now more than ever. Chia Obama is the real hope and change, despite having no actual plan behind that!
This is definitely a conversation piece. Other than that, it functions like any other chia pet. A little tough to get the gel/seeds exactly where you want them, but really, who cares? It is pretty funny.
Purchased this as a gift, and liked it so much I probably will pick one up for myself. It doesn't make any difference if you are a supporter of the President or not -- the fact that such a product is available shows that freedom of expression is still alive. If you want to look at this as celebrating the President, great. If you want to look at this as poking fun at him, well that's fine too. I'm grateful that I live in a country where I'm free to make that choice. - Chia Pet - Amazon Oddities - Political Humor - Barack Obama'
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