I don't have horrible acne but my forehead has always been oily and I get flair ups and get some natsty ones once in a while. The last couple of years it's gotten slightly worse. I've tried numerous things over the years. Clearasil cream, pads, various 3 part systems, washing my face numerous times a day, etc. Nothing worked. I stumbled on this on sale tucked away in a bottom shelf at the store. Thought I'd try it. Taking the pills alone my skin has totally cleared up and I haven't had any blemishes. This is one of the best homeopathic products I've ever used. Nature's Cure Two Part Acne Treatment System for Males (1 Month Supply)
I was skeptical at first. The only way I found out about this product was at Rite-Aid with 1 bottle of the Body spray. It seemed to be working ok, and I did a search on Amazon.com for it, and seen all the great reviews. So for $10, I was like why not? Man am I glad I did. Amazing stuff, I noticed a difference after 2 or 3 days, then 1 week was even better, 2 weeks was more and going a month strong, almost completely clear, if I do get any breakouts, gone in a day almost. Strongly recommended for anybody who has gone to a Dermatoligist for years (i'm 28, been going since I was 13). Tried Retina, tretinoin, differin, all topicals, oral prescripts. Proactiv and others over the counter. I use Neutrogena Adavanced Solutions facewash and spf15 lotion, the acne lotion worked, but not as good as natures cure lotion.(almost the same, but natures cure has twice the benzoyl peroxide and additional aloe for cooling) with Natures Cure 2 step process. I'm sold.
There are several acne treatment solutions out there and I've tried almost all of them...murad, proactiv, klear action, clearasil, stridex, retin-a, etc. All of them left my skin oily or dry or irritated and none stopped future breakouts from happening plus they were quite expensive. I think I'm the minority in which months of proactiv did not help stop future breakouts.
The problem with all of these treatments is that they're all topical and don't correct the imbalances within the body due stress, etc. When I first saw this product, I thought I had nothing to lose and it was cheap. I've been using this product for months. Using a popular off-the-shelf skin moisturizer, it's stopped major breakouts and limited ones that were going to appear. The results I had with this product compared to the ones above were the difference between night and day. I believe the tablets helped cure the body's internal imbalances, which were ultimately leading to breakouts that topical creams could not stop. I encourage anyone to try this product as a cheaper alternative to the above acne solutions and recommend it to the minority of people that haven't had success with the big names.
I was looking for something to help my 15 year old son with his acne and read the reviews on this product. Knowing that hormones and genetic makeup have a lot to do with persistent skin problems, it only made sense to use a product that worked on both the inside (where they start) and the outside. The ingredients in the product were all perfectly harmless and the reviews were positive, but I also know that if something sounds too good to be true-it often isn't true. But the price was minimal and worth the risk.
We marked my son's "start date" on the calendar and tomorrow it will be two full weeks since that day. He and I both are totally AMAZED.
BEFORE Nature's Cure(NC):no matter what we tried topically, his skin was fairly "bumpy" even where no pimples had erupted, he would get 4 or 5 new ones a day, and at any given time he'd have 4 or 5 previous ones that he was trying to heal/dry out/deal with too.
AFTER NC:The first thing we both noticed was that the rate of new ones dropped drastically, I'd say about an 80% drop. The second thing we noticed was that the ones he was getting were FAR less severe and were healing much faster. After the first couple of days watching him (just in case he had any negative side effects from the tablets, which he did not)I forgot all about it. A couple of days ago he was talking to me face to face when I suddenly realized how GREAT his skin looked! My eyes widened and he stopped in the middle of a sentence and asked "What?" I grinned and said "Can I touch your face?" He grinned and said "Yeah! It's cool huh?" and I couldn't believe it! The "bumps" on the surface were totally gone and his skin was so SOFT and healthy looking.
Now, he STILL has some pimples, but they are random and small, and it hadn't even been two full weeks before there was a visible difference to others. (He had noticed long before I did because he obsesses about his face every day) And maybe I'm just imagining this part-but I'd SWEAR that the tablets, which are supposed to help counteract the stressful hormones that cause acne, have improved his moodiness! Not a whole lot mind you, and maybe it's just that his self-confidence is improving as his skin does, but he's been more easy going and less snippy at his siblings than usual. Either way I'm SO thankful for this product and my son has already asked me to reorder it so he doesn't run out.
VERY impressed, and VERY satisfied.
UPDATE- 2/18/2011
My son ran out of this and literally pestered me into ordering him some more. It came quickly and he is enjoying the same results as before. He did say that he noticed much better results when he used both products together rather than when he forgot to take the pills but used the cream alone. Not only that, but upon re-reading my first review, I'm seeing the same improvement in his moodiness (when he's using the product)that I noted before. Could be entirely coincidental or self-esteem related-but either way-it's a good thing.
I am 18 years old, and a freshman in college. I saw Nature's cure at my local wal-mart while trying to decide on what acne treatment product to try next (None of them ever work). When I saw this, I was intrigued by the fact that it's a pill, not a topical cream or wash. So, on a whim, I bought it. I expected it to be some bogus treatment just like everything else I've ever tried (I've been experimenting with acne treatment for years). I started taking the pills as directed, twice daily, and WOW. In only a few days I notice my skin clearing up. I've been using this for approximately two weeks now, and I am totally clear!! I haven't been acne free for YEARS! All that's left on my face are the scars from years of pimple popping. This product is the real deal. I'll be using this for many years to come. - Face - Natural - Acne - Teen'
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