The game is awesome. It's just about the best console port i've seen from a PC game. Plus, there are new karma powers that ONLY the console version has, NOT the PC! If you even remotely liked the Sims 1 or 2 console ports on PS2 or the original Xbox, you'll be amazed by this game. And please pick it up to show your support because EA WILL bring the expansions to consoles if the game does well enough!! The Sims 3
The Sims 3 360 is the closest you'll ever get to an excellent port on a console. There is a very small lack of fluidity, but it's made up for in enjoyable game time, an always up and running online community, and just general sim fun. The game certainly runs well enough for the most part, even with a lack of a build from scratch mode(to my knowledge there isn't) I still have fun seeing how I can upgrade my characters life through paycheck to paycheck. The karma powers add a new dimension to the game, certainly worth noting that they can and will have effects on a sims future karma. All in all a great game.
I've been a Sims player for the last 8 years or so, but haven't been able to play it on a console in a while. This version for the XBox 360 is absolutely wonderful! I found myself playing it for several hours straight, hardly realizing how much time had passed! It's amazing all the different combinations you can play--all the different stories/personalities/etc that are available.
It's been a while since I've been this addicted to a video game. I played the first Sims and I loved it very much though I felt there were definite limitations to the console version. Fast forward to the Sims 3, and it's definitely a much more fluid and fun experience than the first game that I played way back in the day.
As someone mentioned here, it's fun to play God. It's even more fun when I have the chance to create real life friends in the virtual world (they even look and act eerily like the real people I know) and see what kind of crazy awkward situations you can put them in (or watch them flourish in specific job situations and/or hobbies/talents).
This game is like a black hole that sucks away any sense of time you may have in the real world. On the first day, I sat through 11 straight hours without even batting an eyelash (other than to grab a quick bite or two and use the restroom). That's how addictive this game is. It's incredible that you can have so much control over everyone's lives, as well as how you make friends, interact with NPCs, and learn skills that really define who your Sims are over the course of their lifetimes. I also like how there is so much attention to detail in terms of how you can design and build the home of your dreams. You can landscape, paint, wallpaper, roof to your heart's content, and buy all sorts of cool stuff to put in the house.
I have heard about the glitch involving people who have game freezes due to possibly too many objects in their inventory or game (I have yet to encounter this problem, fingers crossed) - however, I'm just being very careful about how I manage my stuff in game and am hoping that the problem doesn't affect me.
The game controls fabulously. There is definitely a bit of a learning curve at first when you pick up the game. But once you figure it out thanks to some helpful tutorials, it will all make sense and feel like second nature to you. I do notice that there is a slight lag when it comes to load screens in game (and there are a lot of them) but for the most part it didn't distract me that much. I was too busy in my little sandbox, watching my Sims move up in life (and watching my kid grow up). Throw in some intrigue (such as one of my housemates bringing her lesbian lover home for some "woo hoo"), a little karma here and there (which is one great addition to the game - it really makes it fun when you can use 'powers' to create dramatic situations) and you have the recipe for an amazing game that will suck the very life out of you.
My challenge now is to not ditch my real life friends because their Sim counterparts are just that much more interesting lol!
I was excited for this game but it just isn't very good. My biggest complaints are with the time it takes to do anything. By the time you bathe, cook, clean and eat the day is over and you can't socialize at all. A simple bath or shower (if you are low in cleansiness) takes over and hour of sim time. Its just not realistic it all. It took my sim 45 minutes to cook toast.
There is also no interaction at work and that take the majority of the day. Unless you create more than one sim or have sims working different shifts, this pretty much means you just sit there and stare at the clock.
I have had Sims 3 for "Xbox 360" since Thanksgiving 2010. As I finally get deeper into the game, acquiring inventory, largest lot, biggest house, etc, I have found that the game will no longer Save! So BE WARNED, as you progress, you many no longer be able to save your work. EA is aware of the issue with the Fire Meter/inventory limit. THere are many complaints that the game needs patched because it has a bug and it defective.
EA has not announced any updates although they continue to state on their message boards that they are working on the issue or they blame Microsoft Xbox for the constant locking up while saving your game. There is no auto save folks. It is beyond frustrating to pay this much for a video game and not get the required/support patches to even make it playable.
I want a refund for this disposable coaster I have invested in. I suggest you dont buy this game until you have confirmation that the bugs have been fixed.
I got this game for Christmas. The beginning of the game has all these tutorials and if you dont want that simply hit options and disable the tutorials. This was a big issue of frustration for me initially. There are also alot more features with designing the house and with it comes some new buttons to know how to operate which after learning them simply add to the individualizing accuracy of the game. There are still some new features I'm discovering. I really like being able to have and create multiple floors on the houses. The couples or single parent can also have either four or five children by adoption or by "woo-hooing." The kids grow up from infants, to toddlers, children, teenagers and then become young adults. You can choose traits that go with them that they exhibit (example would be excitable which means they are easily excitable). For the adult starting characters they can grow well into graying senior citizens. Initially this caught me off guard and I did not realize you can disable the age feature in the options menu. So in one of my games I now have two gray haired elderly sims and their toddlers. The female sims also become comically pregnant in which they display morning sickness and later grow a belly. They also dramatically arch their backs backwards when walking. The reactions by your other sims when the mother sim gives birth is hilarious! There is now alot more individualizing of the sims character in how they look than there was before. However, one big problem I had was that you cannot not only buy empty lots (which isnt such a problem since you can simply delete the whole house by using the sledgehammer button) but if any of one of your sim characters move the rest all are erased from the game. If you move you can choose who to take with you but for the rest left behind they cannot come with you and are not to be found in the game after that. To me that became a big issue of irritation since when the kids move into young adulthood they cannot leave unless you want them to become deleted. I think they also shouldve added a bigger game booklet with more detail because alot of it I had to look up on the internet. The game seems to have more complex controls than before and a better instruction booklet wouldve been helpful. When I was perusing the online help guides apparently others are also similarly frustrated by the lack of information and detail. Also if youre like me and like to get a feel for the game before you learn all of what the controls do simply hit at the beginning of the game your start button and under options hit disable tutorials. The game tutorials frustrated me initially and they dont go away unless you go through them. You cant simply hit a button and they flash away quickly like the other sims games. - The Sims 3 - Xbox 360 - Sims - Video Games'
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