Actually, first shipment was the wrong product. But, I shop at Amazon becuase their service is so good. I told them it was the wrong product, they sent out the correct product immediately.
Otherwise, not much to say. Applecare for my Mac Mini. AppleCare Protection Plan for Mac Mini (OLD VERSION)
Worth every penny! Unless you are a computer guru, and always up-to-date, you want the telephone support, and you will need it, When the usual "clicks" do not work, and that is happening more and more often, it's hard to find a bypass. Every now and then, even members of the apple support team fail to provide a correct answer. With the extended CARE plan advise is at least (almost) free of charge.
Amazon offered the best prize for it - 30 Dollars off.
I went back and forth on whether you need to purchase AppleCare for the mac mini due to the low cost of the device. From my experience with other apple products (macbooks, iMacs), I decided to pull the trigger for peace of mind. Adds an additional 2 years to the built in 1 year warranty. Aside from swapping out the RAM, it would be very difficult to perform any troubleshooting on this machine, and even though Apple products may seem like they are better than other computer manufacturers, remember most of the internals are not made by Apple. Their failure rate is no better. If you buy a macbook pro AppleCare is a no brainer, same might go for an iMac. With the price point of a mac mini at 600 or so, it is a difficult decision but we will see if it was the right decision. One issue and it will easily pay for itself.
This is an extended warranty. I think it is a must for laptops. I bought this for my new MacMini and the Amazon price made it worth getting it. You get 3 years of support and peace of mind. Apple support is very good
Recently I purchased a slightly used Mac Mini from a friend whose employer paid for a MacBook Pro (awesome, right?). He did not have AppleCare, but as the Mini was well within its one-year initial warranty, I was able to add it. Amazon provided a great discount, and using the number on the box, online registration with Apple went smoothly.
When buying AppleCare, make sure you get the right one for your Mac's make and model. You can go to the Apple website, Support page, and click the link for Check your Service and Support Coverage. Enter your Mac's serial number (usually laser-engraved on the back or bottom of your Mac) and they'll suggest an appropriate AppleCare policy. Use the policy name to search for a matching AppleCare policy on Amazon.
FYI, Apple will sometimes price match in store; I did this recently for AppleCare on a MacBook Pro of my own. Worth a try, and if they won't, just buy it from Amazon. - Apple Care - Applecare - Mac'
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