I use the mat wash after every yoga session. It cleans my yoga mats very well; better than soap and water and it leaves my mat sticky for the next yoga session. It's also good after hot yoga sessions. I also enjoy the clean, herbal scent and that it's more natural than soap. Gaiam Yoga Mat Wash
Being a huge clean-freak, I found it necessary to have something to sanitize my yoga mat after sweaty sessions. Unfortunately, however, after using this product, my mat was VERY slippery, even after rinsing it with water numerous times. I do agree with previous reviews and think the cleaner smells nice, and did seem to do a good job cleaning the mat, but it is not worth the feeling that I am going to face-plant and break my nose when I start to slip during a downward dog.
This Mat Wash smells good and works. I still have great grip on my Pilates mat (if not better). The smell is a slightly earthy smell that is light and fragrant. Easy cleaning instructions included. It would be nice if they made a larger model, because this stuff works well. - Yoga Accessories - Yoga - Hot Yoga - Yoga Mats'
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