This lincoln power lubber works great. It saves a lot of time and energy. We have been able to grease some fittings with this thing that we could not do by hand. This thing puts so much more pressure than you can by hand. I highly recommend this product. Lincoln Lubrication (LIN1844) 18 Volt Cordless Grease Gun with 2 Batteries
Bought this for my husband's birthday and he can't say enough good things about it.
He works on 3-ton trucks on down and says it makes his job much easier. (he's ditched the air gun).
I researched this item and chose it over the Milwaukee mainly because of the case.
Husband said good call - wouldn't want a nice tool bouncing around in his van. Makes it travel safely, plus easy to grab & go.
I purchased this for our son who had one previously and it got stolen. He was quit lost without the luber because he works construction and has to lube the equipment that he works with. What labor saver and time saver. Works great and does every thing that he needs.
First unit I got from Amazon came damaged in the case - battery was broken apart. Nice. It either was a bad quality control from Lincoln, and/or a return that somehow made it back into the shipping department. In either case, not good. However, Amazon stepped up and sent a new unit and a return authorization ASAP. The second unit was intact, and works great. No air hose, and the power selector allows you to overcome reluctant zerks. I do see a flaw in the battery construction, however. If not careful in removing it from the gun, it will pull apart at the base. Needs improvement. Otherwise, it'd be five stars.
I bought this for my husband who owns a lawn and landscape company. Some of our older equipment we bought used and the grease certs were virtually non-functional with a manual grease gun. After my husband used this on the 15' finish mower, he was hooked. Now we have no reason for any of our equipment to break from not being greased. He loves it!!
I have lots of heavy equipment that needs to be greased regularly, and for years I did all of it with a clunky hand-powered grease gun or a clunky/cumbersome/unwieldy air-powered grease gun. Either my forearm muscles kept giving out (hey, I'm a wimp) or the air hose kept getting tangled up in my equipment. Now I'm zipping through my maintenance grease jobs as fast as greased lightning (now I know where that expression comes from!). The 18 Volt Lincoln Power Luber CORDLESS Grease Gun (w/2 batteries) is a great tool & is worth every penny I paid for it. . . . Tim "Bo" Snell, Snell Tree Experts LLC'
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