The other reviewer said that this product does nothing for the stuff under your keys and he's right. But it doesn't claim to either. Keeping computers clean can require many products. For keyboards its best to use a can of air to blow out the things under the keys and then to use this product. We've been doing that successfully with this product (and canned air) in our public computer lab for several years now. keyboard failures have dropped and are true failures of the keyboard hardware as a result.
If you still have a ball mouse, there is also a product that can clean the inside of the mouse.
I would also like to remind you (and save you some repair/replacement money) that keyboards and mice are also electronic equipment. Don't use alot of the liquid supplied, and make sure that the computer is turned off before cleaning. 3M Keyboard Cleaner Kit (674)
The reviewer who raked this product is silly -blaming the product because he didn't have the common sense to look up what the product does. Hello? -if there's no online description how about trying the 3M site? There's a clear description there, along with a photograph of the product being used. The fact is, this does exactly what it is designed to do -clean all the muck that builds up between and on keys. And it's great for that. There are two pointed sponge prongs on each end of a sponge pad. You put the cleaner on the tips of the prongs, which fit perfectly over each key so that you can clean all four side of the key. To get under keys there is only one way -compressed air.
I recommend this product.
This 3M keyboard cleaner worked perfectly with my low-profile Apple keyboard. The sponge tool that is provided with the package did an excellent job of getting in between the keys, and the chemical cleaner dissolved the gunk that had built up over time with very little effort on my part. This is a very well-designed product.
This little gizmo worked great with the cleaner for my keys. In fact, the cleaner got almost all of my greasy palm prints off the lower part of the keyboard, when I thought those stains were permanent. Excellent product.
I used this product against a circa 1995 keyboard. The solution and pad removed all the grime very easily. Plenty of solution is provided. I'd guess there's about 4-5 keyboards worth of solution in the bottle.
I have an mac with a white keyboard.
When I saw the box, and the cleaning device, I was skeptical.
Much to my surprise and delight, it made my keyboard look like new, and it hardly took any time or effort. It was really easy. I highly recommend it.
A little goes a long way, so it should last you a long time.
Just received this product a couple days ago. It's basically a container of liquid, a weirdly shaped sponge/scrub tool, and a cloth for wiping off the excess gunk.
I first tried it on my Filco keyboard (cherry brown mx switches if you want to know) to see if it would get rid of some of the shininess on the keycaps. Well, it didn't, BUT -- the keys felt really clean when I typed on them, so there was definitely an improvement.
I then took it to work and used it on my apple low-profile keyboard (the wired one). After a couple years of using this keyboard, it had collected a considerable amount of dirt. A few months ago I tried cleaning it with just water and a cloth, and it pretty much was a total failure. Took me about an hour and really hurt my hands afterwards. So I was very interested to see what this would do. It was really amazing to see this product very easily restore the keys to their original white color. The amount of gunk I removed made the sponge turn brown! Yuck. After wiping the keyboard with the included cloth, it looked brand new. Awesome.
Good product, a little pricey, but you'd probably waste that money on other things anyway, right?
I have owned my computer for four years, and though I dust all the time, I've neglected the deep cleaning of my keyboard almost completely. It wasn't the worst-looking thing ever, but being a black keyboard, it shows every speck of dust, hair, etc. I do eat breakfast at my computer every morning, so crumbs do occasionally become a part of my keyboard's life. I took the major keys off & cleaned the inside & bigger pieces completely, but I needed something to get in between all of the crevices. I tried Q-Tips & other stuff, but nothing ever really did the trick. This did everything I was looking for.
This is designed really well. The scrub side, with several drops of the included cleaner on it, got my mouse & keys "exfoliated". I cleaned in between all the keys with the red ends of the scrubber, which I'd also doused w/ some more included cleaning fluid. That left it looking great. I finally wiped it all down w/ the included cloths & it basically looks brand-new. In between the keys was so bad it left the red cleaning points a charcoal grey by the end! For the completely anal-retentive like me, having dust anywhere is a major annoyance. Now I know what to buy to get this maddening chore over with. Just wish I'd discovered it sooner!
I'd prefer this to be sold in bulk, because while there's cleaning fluid left over, the ends of the scrubber are blackened by dirt & I really don't want to use them again. Honestly, I'd rather buy a package of four or something, have a slightly bigger container of the cleaning fluid and more cloths- less wasteful packaging that way, too. I'm dropping a star for packaging only- the product itself is fantastic. - Cleaning - Laptop - Clean - Cleaning Kit'
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