I was looking for a voice recorder to capture my lectures but also be able to transfer them onto my computer for back up. The recording is very good quality but it's frustrating that I am unable to transfer my recording. So, if you are looking for a "record and erase" voice recorder, this is the right one. Olympus Digital Voice Recorder (VN 6000)
Get this for yourself or college student.
I went back to school after twenty years and bought this recorder incase i missed something during the lectures-boy am I glad I did! I have listened to the lecture recordings and noticed that I missed alot,even though I felt like I was paying attention.
works absolutly great! long record time availability-1 gig- long battery life and no problems picking up the teachers voice from anywhere in the room.
5 stars!
I teach piano and suggest that students record their lessons with a digital voice recorder. I've seen just about every kind you can imagine in just about every price range you can imagine! After using my students' recorders, I chose to buy this one. It's great. Even comes with a protective case. It's small, easy to use, and has lots of storage capacity It's definitely easier to operate than Sony's product - and definitely cheaper. Definitely priced well for the quality of the recorder.
VERY nice for the price. First set of AAA batteries that came with lasted thru 3 seminars, each 2.5 to 3 hrs in length, before getting the "LOW" battery message. Usually sit a good 25 feet away, give or take, from the speaker and it picks up EVERY word clearly - as long as its pointed that way. *NO PC connectivity (but that wasn't why I bought it)* Simple press of RECORD during recording puts it in Pause mode. NOT voice activated, if that's what you need. Need to read the manual to figure out how to manage all the folders and for playback - and you'll have the minor pain of re-setting the clock when you replace the batteries (but all recordings safe when you do so).
Technology is forever changing - I purchased this at a price which made it an excellent value for money. Given the archaic machine that this replaced, my father was AMAZED at the storage capacity and ease in which he could operate this slim practical document saver. He is not yet apt when it comes to the computer, is learning to use the internet ... as far as emailing goes ... I am afraid to mention search engines just in case he becomes overwhelmed ... however his little number was like driving a car, in other words, he never read the directions, grabbed it and flew!
A lovely gadget. I suggest you use it for the business AND for the reasons I purchased it, to capture the history of a wonderful man who at 70 has much to share. There is enough space on this little ditty for him to release his soul for generations to enjoy in years to come. Love the fact that downloading the gems and pearls of wisdom and reflections is so easy.
Get it!
We bought this for my 10 year old Son. He's loved the Home Alone movies and wanted to recreate those taping moments to play back to the bad guys. I had to write this after he was distraught because he couldn't find his recorder. We finally found it in a pair of freshly washed jeans. Luckily it was washed in cold and found before the dryer cycle. We pulled the batteries and let it dry out for two days. Put new batteries in and it came on. I thought it wiped out the memory, but after setting the date/time, it came right back where it left off all recordings in-tact and works as good as a squeekie-clean new one!
There is no way to transfer the recordings to computer?? I guess I should have read the description better but just figured from some like Olympus there would be a way to transfer recordings.
For me its useless.
I got this as a present to help a friend with some classes she is taking. After I got it I wanted to keep it. It was hard to let go.. :P
When I finally gave it to her I couldn't stop playing with it, "showing her" the features and things, until she finally took it from me. Now she loves it. I haven't used it too much, but I can say that the features are superb: recording time is surprising, audio quality is very good, you could record days of audio with this little thing. Haven't tried hooking it up to the computer yet but to me this was one of the main reasons for getting it. Plus the price, you really can't beat that. And to top it all off you can also plug in a microphone and headphones, which is an excellent touch. Also the controls are very intuitive and easy to use.
I want to get another one for myself now! - Olympus Digital Recorders - Voice Recorders - Voice Recorder - Digital Recorder'
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