For the relative inexpensive cost of this respirator, you get the face mask, 2 orgainc vapor filters and 4 regular filters. All the components fit together very well. It took me about 10 minutes to get used to the face mask, then I hardly noticed that I was wearing it. The obstruction of vision is quite minimal. Protect your lungs and buy this respirator instead of using the ineffective surgical mask type of filters. 3M R6211 Low-Maintenance Half-Mask Organic Vapor, P95 Respirator Assembly, Medium
I picked this up at local Lowe's while I was painting my house. I am also a hobbyist wood worker who like to finish his own projects. So far I have used this mask while using Latex paint, Varnish, Polyurethane, Shellac and dyes. Respirator worked flawlessly with all the above. I never smelled any of these chemicals while wearing the 3M respirator
+ Comes with extra filters in package
+ Easy to put on and remove
+ Will not interfere with my spectacles
+ Very comfortable (need to get used to it - for me it was less than 10 minutes)
+ Very adjustable, you don't need to pre-adjust the mask before wearing it. Simply pull the elastic after wearing it and it tightens. Similarly if you want to ease it, pull the plastic tab and you are done
+ Easy to breathe in (I do not feel the difference (breathing hard) while wearing the mask)
+ At $30/- this is cheap
Highly recommended
Light and easy to breathe through, I don't feel like I'm struggling for air like with some respirators. Vision is not obscured either. The filters in this are so good, I can't even smell paint or solvents when I have it on. This is a great respirator - clearly the best for the money when I bought mine. Highly recommended.
Use this for dust, insulation, paint, or anything. I've used it with a spray gun for several hours, and you don't even smell paint at all. It's very comfortable and night-and-day better than a paper mask. Make the small investment, you'll appreciate it.
I needed something to 100% filter out dust. I have 4 cats and 2 large litter boxes with 28 pounds of litter each. When cleaned or changed the dust is just a huge cloud and the smell of urin can be extremely powerfully overwhelming!! BUT with this mask there is 100% absolutely NO smell and NO dust. The filters on this mask are perfect!! I almost bought one without the organic filter BUT so glad I did buy this one. I can go anywhere with this thing and it's like breathing pure fresh air! The medium size is perfect for the average face and seals nicely on the face. If you're looking for a good mask for the job be it painting, spraying or cleaning the cat litter box this is it! I would give this 6 stars but cant. :)
I found the fit to be good. The mask doesn't have to be pulled extremely tight against my face for a good fit. I can breath easily through the mask, if I don't exert myself. I notice a slight resistance through the mask, if I'm exerting myself. However, I still felt comfortable. Well worth the money.
Amazon Review 3M Tekk Protection 6211 Paint Project Respirator
4 ½ stars- I bought this product specifically for its ability to block organic vapors in the 3M Hi-Tack 76 Spray Adhesive. It was an unqualified success in keeping those vapors out of my respiratory system. The one time I felt encumbered by it and removed it to do some detail work a nose length's distance from the project (inside a vehicle), I paid for it by spending a few hours the remainder of the day trying to clear my upper bronchial area and throat.
The respirator comes with 4 huge foldout pamphlets.
1 for the Organic Vapor Cartridge
1 for the Particulate Filter
1 for the respirator body
1 outlining the protections provided for 38 configurations of various respirator components.
Moreover, the user is directed to read and fully understand all of these instructions before proceeding AND before occupational use, a written respiratory protection program must be implemented meeting various government requirements! Some heavy duty stuff! Leads me to believe I bought the right one!
Assembling the respirator was otherwise fairly intuitive except for 1 small detail. Although it is probably stated somewhere, 4 particulate filters are included. They are compactly pressed inside their respective holders that snap on to the OV Cartridge. At a brief glance, it looked like the particulate filter housing just needed to be snapped onto the OVC and we would be ready to rock. One side kept popping off and found that each PF housing had 2 filters in it. Nowhere in the volume of instructional material does is mention to separate the PF filters, making sure to install only one per side. I believe the only place where 4 PF filters might be mentioned is in the description on the product before ordering. Also not mentioned (at least not in an obvious manner) is whether or not the respirator can be used without the PF filters. I presume it can because there is no warning cautioning against it.
Although the snaps and straps looked like they would be a rat's nest, they absolutely were not. One set fits over the back of the head and the other easily snaps together behind the neck. The one behind the neck has a fastener that makes it very easy to attach just by feel. I think the mask is extremely comfortable for the protection it provides.
The Organic Vapor cartridge is dated. The one I received had a use before date of 1/20/2016. It is not clear if that date is good only as long as it remains in the sealed package. Useful life is likely shortened after initial use, but I don't know yet by how much. So far, I needed it only for this project and has only about a total of 1/2 hour exposure to organic vapors.
The straps did not interfere with a pair of safety glasses that I used over a pair of very low profile readers from costco.
I dinged the rating only for the inexplicable irony of the lack of direction on how to deal with those particulate filters and lack of ease in gauging the life of the Organic Vapor cartridge(s).'
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