Don't skimp on blades . . . just buy these. Thy are perfectly matched in the set (my caliper confirmed that, see below), they will fit the models listed, and maybe some more, and they are only a few dollars more than the 'F' brand knockoffs.
I measured mine when new for those that may be unsure if they match up to their other brands of jointers . . . they are 6.125"L x .6"H x .095" thick and come ground on one edge only . . . my set is labled 'HSS18 - Made in W. Germany' . . . I don't know if they still are made there or not (the W. Germany tells me I have older stock) . . . IIRC the '18' in HSS18 is the percentage of Tungsten content. DELTA 37-658 Set of 3 Knives for 37-190 and 37-195 Jointers'
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