I've had this TV for approximately 2 weeks now - It's my first Plasma TV - replaced a 10 year old 46" LCD television. After visiting every local store and kicking tires - I was sold that Plasma was the way to go. The clarity of the picture - 160 degree viewing angle with no decline in picture quality and sharp picture during fast moving picture ( i.e. sports ) + the vivid sharpness of blacks / reds / oranges / greens / blues made it pretty easy decision.
I went with the PANASONIC b/c of Consumer reports review of last years models. It was rated as best picture for non HD programming over any of it's competitors. Going shopping for these things locally is similar to buying a used car - b/c most stores won't show you anything but a HD signal - but I was able to get one store to show me a digital signal to a couple models and was able to view a DVD of TOP GUN on this and a few other models. Alot of brands will have a significant dropoff in quality from HD to digital signal - NOT this panasonic.
The picture in HD is simply amazing. Clarity / sharpness / at all angles of viewing both near and far away from the screen. The speakers are very good too - I will play a movie through the Home Theatrre - but day to day viewing the speakers will be more than adequate for most viewers.
The picture in non - HD programming - Comcast digital cable signal. About 85 % of the programming is pretty close to the same quality as High Def. Alot of the cable programming seems to be formatted in anticipation of High Def viewing and look very sharp and clear. Occasionally ( maybe 10 - 15 % of cable programming ) you'll get a feed that's not quite as sharp and ther'es a noticeable decline in picture quality from the HD or normal Digital programming. However - I've checked that same programming on my older CRT television - I found that the ( Non-HD programming with poor signal ) picture on the 50" plasma is the same quality as what I'm getting on my 20" non digital television. The only difference is that most of the programming is so much better in quality on this plasma TV that it seems like the picture isn't good for those few broadcasts. BUT - it's not poor picture from plasma Tube - it's just a bad signal that looks worse in comparison to the other channels and/or programming.
*** Don't let a salesperson talk you out of this TV if you have a large pictue window. I almost decided against the Plasma tube b/c a circuit city salesperson said the reflection would annoy me with a large window in the room. We have a west facing picture window in the rear with a tree outside the window. There is reflection on this tube - but it's no different than the reflection you'd get with a standard CRT tube television. We just pull down the shades a bit - and we haven't noticed anything that would be bothersome when viewing a program. We bought it with the assurance that if the reflection was an issue we could swap it out for a LCD or other television. We're keeping the Panasonic Plasma!!!!
I'm totally happy we bought this TV - and have no regrets for choosing the Panasonic. I'd buy this TV again in a heartbeat. The only thing I don't know about is the longevity of this type of tube - but I'll learn that over time. We spent 400 bucks on an in home 4 year service plan to accompany the TV. The marketing says it will last 27 years if viewed 6 hours per day - but I think that's a little optimistic. I did however learn in my research that this technology has been around for 30 or 40 years so I'm hoping that means there won't be any technical quirks to still work out.
Jake Panasonic TH-50PX60U 50-Inch Plasma HDTV
I really like this TV. It encompasses all that I was looking for. Buying a HD TV these days makes for some tough decisions. I found it impossible to make a clear decision from looking at the vast array of HD TVs available. The super big screens are impressive as are the super fine displays of the plasmas. For my purposes, I put picture quality over size. This lead to the plasmas and then to the Panasonic, which, along with Pioneer, have the best picture available, in my opinion,in plasmas.
My next criteria was the TVs ability to present a quality standard broadcast video, that seems to be about 90% of the material available today. HD is just beginning to become more adequately available today.
While shopping, I did not notice a huge difference in the quality of HD from one TV to another but there is a huge difference in quality at standard broadcast. You won't see this in the stores because they always use HD to impress their customers. This is where this TV shines. The picture quality is amazing even when not a HD broadcast. This is important as it involves the TVs ability to improve the standard broadcast video. There seems to be a vast difference from set to set in this ability and it has a lot to do with the internal circuitry. All sets look great at 1080p, however they sure don't look the same when it involves standard cable or standard satellite broadcast. The standard broadcast material on this set can look almost like HD depending on the quality of the broadcast. The poorer material looks just that, poor, but it is the broadcasters fault, not the TV.
Some things I do not like:
1. A plasma must be carried straight up and down. The first one I purchased had a shattered screen (the whole TV had to be replaced) Not too good for internet purchases as they will not allow returns even if defective or damaged in shipping.
2. The remote is spartan. No "learning" feature and has very limited adaptation to other video equipment.
3. Way too much silver. Thank goodness they have a little black around the screen.
4. No variable audio to an amplifier. You have to use the receiver control to vary the volume or connect everything through the receiver.
5. Some glare problems particularly if you have a window to the back of the viewing area. No problem from front or side lighting.
6. The set control comes set to "vivid" which sets the contrast and brightness way up and can damage the TV. You must first "break in " all plasmas by running the contrast and brightness at "0" for the first 100 hours. This is a pain as this is about a months viewing for us because the picture is pretty dark. Also, you have to be aware of the screen ratios as some broadcast cut off the sides or bottoms/tops which leave a black border. This can cause "burn in" that can damage your screen. I find myself changing aspect ratios pretty often. You can watch all transmissions if you adjust the screen ratios to cover the entire screen and not leave any black bars anywhere.
7. Possible repair costs. I understand that it is a "throw away" set if the plasma screen goes out. Plasmas costs more than other TVs to repair but are less repair prone.
8. A 50" screen just qualifies as a "big screen" in my opinion. 55" or 60" would be better but the cost now is prohibitive. I find it adequate at a viewing distance of 12' to 14'.
9. You can see the pixels if you get up close. (screen door effect) I guess it is the nature of the beast. The pixels are not visible after about 6 feet away.
Some of the things I like:
1. Good standard video quality
2. Awesome HD video quality
3. Can handle 1080P (for future, blue ray and HD DVD players)
4. Runs really cool. I notice no heat at all emanating from it. For some reason it has two cooling fans.
5. Quiet operation. You have to put your ear to the back of it to hear anything.
6. Quality construction. The interior looks like commercial quality.
7. Remote uses hard buttons instead of soft rubber
8. Easy setup and controls
9. Two HDMI connections (more the better as future HD devices will use these)
10. No lamp to replace every couple of years at $250- $300 (DLP, LCD)
11. Long service life (estimated at 60,000 hours or about 20 years)
12. Good repair record according to Consumer Report.
13. Excellent black handling which is so important for the 3D effect.
14. Sound quality is adequate. The surround sound is artificial sounding.
After owning and watching this set for a little over a week, I have no buyer's remorse. It was a good purchase and I am very happy. I highly recommend this TV. The negatives are very small compared to the positives, many being the nature of plasma TVs. Watching a program on HD is a real experience that makes you feel like you are there and this TV will do it. Calculating the costs of any hobby or vacation far exceeds the cost per hour of this quality of a television. It is really cheap entertainment and well worth the investment. - Plasma - Hdtv - Panasonic - 50 Inch'
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