If you have read the installation instructions for Trex, there are two specific screws they recommend for Trex Transcend. This is one of the screws recommended. There is a reason for this, and it is not just matching colors (though that is nice too.) I found out the hard way!
My experience with other fasteners:
I first started installing my Trex Transcend using the same composite screws recommended by my local lumber store that had worked great for their customers on other types of Trex for years, but they had not yet had customers use the Trex Transcend so they didn't really know better. I quickly got extremely frustrated because when the head of their recommended screw hit the Transcend it would not bury like you would expect because the head was too big. I knew something was wrong because the clutch on my drill/screwdriver was maxed out, and it still couldn't drive the head down. Instead, usually the head would sit on top until you cranked the screw so hard (I had to turn off the clutch completely on my screwdriver) that it stripped out the underlying joist and the head would just spin on top of the Transcend. Very frustrating. It seems to me that Trex Transcend is much harder than other types of Trex.
Every now and then I would get lucky and the screw would bury properly, but this was rare. I managed to get around this a bit by pre-drilling every single screw. This worked a little better, but not always and it was extremely tedious.
My experience with these screws:
In desperation I looked up the Trex installation instructions and found that these Phillips II high performance composite screws were specifically recommended. These screws were not available at any of my local hardware stores (I checked them all) but I found them here, so I ordered a few boxes.
Upon opening the box I was pleasantly surprised. The color exactly matched the Vintage Lantern color of my Trex Transcend! I also noticed that the head was significantly smaller than the other screws that I had been using. This gave me hope of improved performance. I tested them out and had a much, much better experience! The head of these buries nicely into the Transcend with no need to predrill!! If you angle the screw then you will experience a bit of a small mushroom on the side that you angled the screw to, but if you drive it straight in then there is no mushroom. Also, the head of these screws did not strip out anywhere near as easily as the other screws that I tried using.
In conclusion, I can't express how much headache this saved me! If you are installing Trex Transcend DO NOT use traditional composite decking screws! Use these instead. The smaller head buries nicely, and the colors match exactly. VINTAGE LANTERN BROWN 2-1/2" 5lb Composite Deck Screws
These screws are recommended on the Trex documentation!!!
I used the hidden fasteners on most of my 500 sq ft deck. There were a few areas where I needed to use a fastener. I looked around town at the big box stores and found nothing that matched very well. If you're going to use Trex Transcend, don't use a fastener that doesn't match. I also checked some of the specialty lumber and hardware stores. They had fasteners that were close, but the color didn't match very good.
These fasteners actually cost less than the fasteners I could get anywhere in town. Also, they match perfectly with the Vintage Lantern decking. You can barely see them. And, if you pay attention to your locations and spacing, they add to the decking.
Make sure you drill a pilot hole with a 1/8" bit (or maybe a bit smaller). Actually, practice with 2-3 screws on some scraps so you get the amount of drilling needed and the torque on your drill gun. These screws won't mushroom.
Nice! They even sent me some extra sample screws and a couple of philips drill bits. Worth the extra time for shipping and they may cost less then what you find locally.
I felt silly mail ordering deck screws for my deck. However, these screws do a much better job avoiding the mushroom or volcano affect that can crop up on composite decks. I tried the current brands available at the two big box hardware stores and these were clearly better. I also liked that I could order the darker brown from Phillips. The stores near me only provided the light brown and green screws which did not match my decking. It does take some practice to keep the screw and driver aligned to avoid popping it out and chipping off the paint on the screw head. This is not a big deal but it is worth driving a few screws into some scrap to get the hang of it before starting on deck.
These screws matched the Trex Vintage Lantern decking really well. Each box covered approx 100 square feet running joists 16" oc. These screws were nicer than the FastenMaser TrapEase screws that I've used. No mushrooming or breking screws. The only issue I had was the paint coming off on the screw head every once in a while. Overall, I really liked the product. - Composite Deck Screws - Trex Transcend'
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