I had seen this type of magnet soap holder a long time ago in someone else's home and always remembered how clean it kept the basin and seemingly fun it was. Could it be that the inexpensive, sucker-securing version sold here would be as nice as the one from my memories?
Sure enough, the rubber seal secures perfectly on the backsplash of the bathroom sink, and the magnet that presses into the soap holds well. My spouse was skeptical about the whole idea, but there's no more yucky soap scum build-up, our soap lasts longer, our kid is encouraged to use the soap because the magnet is fun, and the chrome look blends in with the other accents in the bathroom.
It might not be for you, but I would suggest you give it a try! Kikkerland Magnetic Soap Holder with Suction Cup
The idea is great and it does what it is supposed to do.
However, the arm is only around 2 inches long so it can't keep the soap very far from the mirror. That defeats the purpose of keeping the counter top clean as the soap drips over the counter rather in the basin.
I bought this thinking it would be a neat novelty item. It did not hold any soap for me. I tried Dove, Dial, and Irish Spring. I can now see why someone is holding it in one of the sample pictures. I even went to an area hotel for some of the small thin soap and it didn't even hold that! This does NOT, i repeat Not work. It looks like it is made out of metal... it isn't. It is all plastic besides the magnet and metal piece that is supposed to be attracted to the magnet. I am very disappointed in this product.
Had my doubts, but this works quite well. Suction if very good and thought that the disk magnet that you stick into the soap bar would come out/be a pain as you got to the end of the soap, but no problems whatsoever. Even heavy large bars have stayed put. Getting another for the kid's shower!
I first saw these in England in the 80s and purchased one there.
Loved the one in our friends house.
But when we put ours up, first thing we found was soap and water dripped onto counter, our sinks are not free standing or large like they are in England. Still used it until soon the bottle cap wont hold in the soap, keeps dropping the soap out. I tried several soaps, none worked. I think you need a very hard soap for this thing. If you have a large sink that it hangs over and find a good hard soap, you will love it.
I don't think I would use one in the shower for fear of slipping on the soapy drips or the soap itself.
I do love these little magnetic soap holders. I have purchased several before, but I must say that I am having a terrible time keeping the suction cup to stick...to almost anything. It will not stick to the tile in my bathroom at all. It will not stick to the glass in my shower. It will, however, stick to the kitchen sink back splash, although it falls frequently. Has anyone else encounter this problem with this product? I have even cut my soap in half to lighten the load. It still falls. Any suggestions out there?
I put one of these in shower and it would not stay up. It kept falling down within 10 minutes. That was until I looked up how to get suction cups to stick to showers. It turns out that the wall wasn't clean. So I cleaned the soap scum and dirt off the spot I was trying to stick it, and now it stays up sturdy! - Soap Holder - Magnetic Soap Holder - Holder - Soap Dish'
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