This faucet light provides a blue glow to running water. In the dark it glows a fantastic, gorgeous blue that fills the sink with shimmering colors. It was very easy to install and worked for me immediately.
Unfortunately, the ad shows a stream of focused deep blue water that isn't quite accurate. In daylight or when the bathroom lights are on (aka: most of the time), the water has just specks of a dim pale blue scattered throughout the stream. The blue is more focused at the top, not evenly all the way down. Also unfortunately, the cheap-looking plastic rim of the adapter detracts from the overall effect. The faucet adapter is also an awkward length of over 2" long, which can pose problems in certain sizes and shapes of sinks.
When the light are off the blue water is absolutely *awesome* and gorgeous, but realistically how often do people use the bathroom in the dark? Overall I would recommend this as a novelty, but warn against expecting too much from it. The blue really isn't as dramatic as the product ad shows. Faucet Light
The light would be great, but it will not fit on my Chicago faucet. Neither of the adapters work. I've been to plumbing supply stores, and nobody can help. The 800 # couldn't help me either. So, order at your own risk!
We were very excited about installing the lighted faucet extension. It was definitely easy to install, and excitement was high. For my kids, it meant they would have a blue light on their hands while washing, which made it more fun. For the adults, it meant the kids would be more likely to remember to wash their hands, and it would remind them to turn the water off when finished, because if they didn't the light would still be on - RIGHT? Well...that's the way it's supposed to work. At this point (approx. 4 months later) the light is on ALL the time, whether the water is on or not, sometimes brighter than others. But it's not quite as bright as it was at the beginning. So it's not such a novelty anymore, so I still have to remind the kids to wash their hands.
This nifty little gizmo is all kinds of fun. It's not super bright, but in normal it's noticable and at night (think candle light) it's gorgeous. Words of caution, don't over tighten or else it can be a bear to get off, pick a sink that's fairly deep or else it inhibits movement.
Finally to address all of the complaints of it not turning off, here's the deal folks, it's not a pressure switch, it's an electronic switch, the water short circuits a little electronic gizmo and turns on the light. Now if you have the little electronic gizmo gets a drop of water on it, it will continue to remain lite, so rotate the assembly until the water doesn't stick on the little golden contacts. Have fun!
This IS an excellent, fun gadget. My husband and I get a silly sense of fun from it, as do all three of our children (ages 15, 10, and 5).
I do have to agree with the reviewers that complain about it not turning off after the water is shut off, though, and am not sure why. I understand the reviewer who said it's an electrical issue, but on the other hand, we only have trouble with the light staying on when the water stream wasn't terribly strong to begin with. When that happens, if you turn the water on HIGH briefly and then turn it off, the light does go off.
All in all, it was well worth the money.
from the moment we put the light on the kitchen faucet, we have had nothing but fun and awe. It is neat to see clear to the bottom of your glass, even in the dark. And it makes the water taste sooooo good because it looks like cool blue spring water. I have sent one to my daughter also, and they are having a blast with it in the bathroom, plus she reports that the little ones use it for a night light when they have to be in there for just a minute. Love it!!
The Blue Faucet Light was the biggest hit of the Christmas gifts this year. I bought three, when they arrived my husband decided he just had to have one, everyone I showed wanted one, so I ended up ordering three more. It is easily installed, doesn't interupt the water flow and is a great conversation piece.
This was really fun for about 2 weeks. After that, the light would just stay on all the time, and then the batteries died (because the light was on all the time). So now we just have this weird plastic thingie on our faucet because I haven't gotten around to putting the old screen back on. - Novelty - Led Light'
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