The product quality is really great, I'm really happy with this item, I bought this item to connect my External Hard drive to my laptop and DMP. Higly recommended for users that look for high speed transfers. eSATA to eSATA Cable
The cable works ok, but I was surprised to find that it was pretty short when I received it. I don't recall the exact length, but I think it's about 1 foot long. The picture makes it look longer, and the item description doesn't list the length.
This cable is certainly a great deal and much cheaper than any local store. It works really well with my Acomdata 2.5" Tango USB/eSATA Hard Drive Enclosure Kit, Obsidian Black (TNGXXXUSE-BLK) and the integrated eSATA port on my laptop. The transfer speeds are fantastic and leave my old USB 2.0 hard drive in the dust... The only issue I have with this cable is how stiff it is. Since it's flat it doesn't really bend around corners unless the flat side is against the corner. When you're travelling with a laptop and trying to use this cable, it can be somewhat of a pain.
It works fine and it plugged in fine. No problems with my HP laptop recognizing my western digital external hard drive. But I can't give it 5 stars. The picture makes it look like the cable is around 14-16" but in actuality my cable was less than 12" long. It was definitely shorter than the USB 2.0 cable that came with my external hard drive but I would have preferred it to have been a little longer. - External Hard Drive - Cable - Connectors - Esata'
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