These are the best socks ever made! They are of medium weight all cotton. They come in both Black and White (I wish many more colors). These sock also last a long time even with constant washing. And you are never itching the ribbed part if you know what I mean, because these socks are made with mostly cotton and a bit of nylon. They fit well in summer with any type of casual shoe or sneaker, and are great for boots in the fall, spring, and even winter. I love to wear them to sleep at night on those cold nights or just use them to walk around the house in with or without slippers. As you can see I love em! Gold Toe Women's 3-Pack Marathon Athletic Quarter Sock, White, size 9-11
After two or three washings, these socks shrank and became hard. Although I don't have diabetes, I want soft socks for my feet. Regretfully, this product doesn't fit my requirements. I asked for a refund.
I love these socks. They are so doggone comforatable, soft, cuddly and protective that I actually felt guilty for not recommending them!!! I need really good socks because of arthritis in my feet. I am not sure what I will do when it is too hot to wear them but for spring, winter and fall, they are just right. This is my brand of socks from now on. I am completely sold on them. - Gold Toe - Socks - Trouser Socks'
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