This book contains a variety of readings and exercises relating to important concepts in the human body, physical, earth, and life sciences. Key words are presented in boldface, and the activities and exercises that follow strengthen vocabulary and concepts presented in the reading. Read and Understand Science, Grades 1-2
I got this for my almost 4 year old who loves science. It covers topics like the human body, plants, solids/liquids/gases, water, air, frogs, day and night, etc. Most sections have a few questions at the end. Many of the pictures in the book can be colored, which is a really nice feature. This is definitely a fun and informative book.
The text is short and basic; perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners. It is probably too basic for the average 1st grader and most 2nd graders. There is a book for 2nd and 3rd grade, which may be more appropriate for this age group.
As a homeschooling mom with a 1st grader, I'm always on the lookout for engaging, multi-faceted curricula. This science book is one I'm very pleased to be using since it provides not only science instruction but vocabulary and reading comprehension as well. Well worth the cost!
I purchased this book as an afterthought, but it the source I use most for my son's 2nd grade science. A second grader or an advanced first grader can read it themselves and then answer the questions following the lesson. I like that it is independent except when it comes to the simple experiments that follow some of the lessons. If you want to focus on Science, it isn't as detailed as other programs, but as a homeschooling Mom that is already reading quite a few other readers for our other subjects it is nice to have an open and go program. I like it so much that I am taking a look at other Evan Moor books as additional resources.
This is a very good science workbook. It has lots of simple experiments, and it really works on building vocabulary by utilizing word families, for example, -ape, sh+ape, c+ape, gr+ape, t+ape. There are also a lot of mini books that your child can color and read. I believe the reading ability correlates with a late first grade reading level.
This book has excellent topics and they are presented in a kids friendly way. The topics are usually areas the kids are already showing interested in or even asking questions about( ex. shadows, gravity). My kids love the hands on activities involved with the lessons while I love that it has lessons from each of the four areas of science: Earth and Space Science, Life Science, Physical Science, and Science and Technology.
This book has a "book" at grade level to read. It works well for cross curricular connections. The activities are great! Each unit comes with experiments, book suggestions and activities for hands on connections. Great homeschooling resource!
I was not that impressed. I'm using it to homeschool my son for 1st grade and it's just not creative and exciting for him. He (and I) has gotten bored very shortly after we began using it, and now it's a struggle to get him to do his science. The concepts are fairly simple, and I don't mind simple concepts at this age as long as you add in some ideas/crafts/games to make it fun and interesting. None of the subjects go in depth enough to hold his attention. - Homeschooling - Evan-moor - Comprehension - Science'
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