My first thought is that if you swing when you use this product you probably have bad form on all of your moves in the gym. This is far superior to a captains chair because you don't have a rigid object babysitting your hind end and to push against. If you swing, you need to smoothly counteract and summon your core balance. Try not to swing and that's when your crazy abs are born. Slow down, control your movement, impress ladies with six gnarly, toned bumps on your belly. That's what I do. I'm starting to look like that muscle guy from the anatomy class books. Perfect Pullup Heavy Duty Performance Series Ab Straps
My ab straps DID NOT come with the metal carabiners shown in the ad pictures, so in order to put the straps on the bar, you have to DISCONNECT the whole bar from the brackets each time, a big PITA! Evidently the carabiners are a bit expensive, so they've deleted them and now show the ab straps in a closeup picture, not showing how they attach to the bar. Unfortunately, they didn't lower the price, though. Also, if you are taller than about 5'4", and you mount the PP frame in a standard door frame, you'll hang so low using the ab straps that your feet are dragging on the floor, even with your knees bent. Interesting idea, poorly executed.
I just got the ab straps a couple of days ago and they do come with the carabiners and my feet do not drag on the floor with my knees bent (I still have maybe 3" of clearance; I'm 5' 10" and the door frame is 6' 5"). Yes, you will swing while using them without back support BUT there is a very simple solution: close the door, if your doorway has one, behind you so you can press you back against it.
We bought the chin-up bar, and it had a mail-in offer for straps. But these looked WAY better to me, so I ordered them instead, for another $10.
Absolutely worth it- they are much wider for better support and well-padded for comfort. Essential for that great knees-up abs work-out.
The only little negative is that they smell weird...hopefully that will go away in time, and even if it doesn't, no biggie.'
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