STARRING: Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Stephen Merchant, Ryan Sheckler, Chase Ellison, Destiny Whitlock, Seth MacFarlane, Julie Andrews and Billy Crystal
WRITTEN BY: Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel, Joshua Sternin, Jeffrey Ventimilia, Randi Mayem Singer and Jim Piddock
DIRECTED BY: Michael Lembeck
Rated: PG
Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 22 January 2010
Review Date: 18 February 2010
Nearly all of Dwayne Johnson's movies have been enjoyable, but this is the first time he's shown talent with acting. I've gotta say, he was pretty darn good in Tooth Fairy.
Johnson plays Derek, a professional hockey player with the nickname `The Tooth Fairy' which he was given for knocking out so many teeth on the ice. It's more than annoying in movies like this, where we know the character will eventually become the tooth fairy, and for some reason they feel the need to previously deem him with a strictly on the nose nickname; kind of like Tim Allen's character Scott Calvin having the same initials as Santa Clause, if you will. But I'm not a child, so my point here is irrelevant.
When Derek makes an un-wanted comment to his girlfriend's daughter about the tooth fairy not being real, he is sentenced to two weeks of `tooth fairy duty'. This sounds a little ridiculous, but we both know this film isn't aimed at you or me, but at the little ones. So looking at it from their point of view, it's on level with the plot of a great film like The Godfather or Saving Private Ryan, in comparison.
Derek's girlfriend is played by Ashley Judd and the harbinger of Derek's two weeks of doom, is a head fairy of sorts, played by Julie Andrews. There are plenty of humorous shenanigans to be had with Derek trying to cover up the fact that he is a tooth fairy, between his girlfriend and her two kids; which is to be expected.
While in `fairy land', Derek is met by a kind of Q character from the James Bond Franchise. His name is Jerry and he is played by none other, than the legendary Billy Crystal. Thank God he's back! Crystal is as enjoyable as ever, while him and Johnson exchange comedic moments back and forth while Derek is being given his fairy `instruments'; dog and cat repellent, magic fairy dust that will shrink you, etc.
Derek is also granted a humorous British side-kick / guardian angel named Tracy (Stephen Merchant). I don't know that I have ever seen this gentleman before, but I'm sure I haven't seen the last of him; he was hilarious. Jerry is a fairy who has been denied his wings and is forced to assist those sentenced to `tooth fairy duty.'
No it's not going to be the best movie of the year; but if you have even a smidgen of a sense of humor, you will at the very least smile. Tooth Fairy
Everyone said Schwarzenegger was miscast for Kindergarten Cop and yet it is one of the more popular films he made. His comic relief in movies like it and Twins and True Lies showed he had far more talent than he exhibited in movies like Commando [Blu-ray]. I think Dwayne Johnson is showing he is more than an action hero as well. I certainly like his toughness in movies like The Scorpion King [Blu-ray] and The Rundown [Blu-ray]. I have enjoyed everything I have seen him in so far, and although I love his action movies, I am entertained by his comedies as well. Another good one for the family here as he plays a mean hockey player that has to learn to respect peoples dreams including his own. He shows he can be tough but with a softer side as well. His ego takes a bruising and he learns the meaning of team player. Good quality DVD with a standard content. If you enjoyed this catch The Game Plan (Full Screen Edition) and Race to Witch Mountain (Single-Disc Edition).
CA Luster
I'm kind of picky about the movies I watch, which is why I don't watch many. I don't like stupid comedy (dumb and dumber is one of these in my opinion). I like it smart with a little good physical comedy thrown in. This movie made me laugh out loud. It's clean and leaves you feeling good. I was never a Dwayne Johnson fan in his "whatever he did before movies" days--but he is really good in the movies I've seen.
I thought this movie would be so corny that I would have to turn it off after a few minutes, but to my surprise I really liked it! It's genuinely funny and fairly unpredictable. I was very pleasantly surprised. It's actually not just for kids, adults will enjoy this one as well.
First off, I never watched "The Rock" as a wrestler and have only seen him in movies. I don't care if it is a comedy or drama, this guy can pull off any role. I think he is one of the most under rated actors today. Anyone should be able to see that Dwayne Johnson has some seriously great acting abilities. He makes any role believable and the Tooth Fairy is no exception. I think he is courageous to take on such versatile roles. He plays them all superbly!
This movie was very funny. It was light hearted and ranks up there with Tom Hank's "SPLASH" etc,,. I love his acting abilities.
Enjoyed this movie. Period.
You want funny and romantic? Then pop some popcorn and watch this movie.
To those harsh critics out there...guess what? This is a KIDS' MOVIE!!! Hellooooo! Of course there's not going to be any adult themes, violence, drugs/alcohol, swearing...it's a kids' movie. Sheesh! For those parents who are looking for a silly, happy, laugh out loud movie that you can watch with your entire family...even the little ones, then this movie is it. I commend The Rock for throwing on a tutu (and risk being called various horrible names for it) for the sake of making this film. The best part was that I could sit there & watch it with my little one and just relax! I didn't have to brace myself for what might be coming or feel as though we'd have to have a talk later about what he saw on TV. Not that we let him watch movies like that but even PG movies tend to throw in scenes that are not appropriate. I admit that my husband & I found this movie to be quite funny with the jokes & the antics. It really is a delightful movie and is now one of my family's favorites. For those harsh critics who were 'bored' because there was no violence or otherwise, go get a babysitter who would probably love to watch this movie with your kids & go catch a rate R flick or something. In the meantime, those who are looking for an entertaining movie they can watch with all members (and ages) of their family, then this movie is it! Worth watching over & over again...as most kids do! LOL - Comedy - Dwayne Johnson - Tooth Fairy - Ashley Judd'
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