This is a good, short book that gives some helpful, basic tips regarding using coupons for grocery shopping.
What I liked best about the book is the suggestion for new coupon users, to begin learning how to shop strategically at places like CVS, RiteAid and Walgreens. These are places where an individual can best maximize their savings purchases on nearly all items that are used in the bathroom, i.e., razor blades, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.
I was satisfied with the purchase of this book ($0.99) and hope to save as much as 50%-80% while shopping at these stores and at the grocery store too.
I'd say this book is good for a beginning coupon user, like myself. Coupon Millionaire
This is a very useful book that contains a lot of great common-sense tips on how to save money in ways I never would of thought of, if I hadn't read it in this book. I just wish it had more ways of saving money on stuff like our monthly bills or gas, but the all the other tips combined is going to save me a fortune in the long run, so I guess I shouldn't complain. As a matter of fact, the bonus coupon at the end of the book was worth the price alone. It will take time to get organized enough to really reap the benefits but overall I'm pretty happy with this purchase.
I am so glad I purchased this book. I have already started saving tons of money which is great for a family of 6 on a tight budget. You can now call me "The Coupon Guru"! I recommend this book to anyone who wants to make or save money. Tag: Brown, coupon, save money
This book is amazing. I was not exactly what one would call "coupon savvy" but now, back away ladies! I've got this covered! This book has helped me so much, I have saved tons of money and I would absolutely recommend this book to anybody!
Are you looking for a way to save money? Looking for the latest tips and tricks for using your coupons? Look no further! You won't be upset with your purchase!
tag: save money, coupons, frugal, shopping
Coupon Millionaire suggests amazing ways to earn extra cash. Before reading Coupon Millionaire,I occasionally used coupons to save money. I now save even more by following their guideline to savings in ways that I never knew were possible. These techniques along with the value of the bonus is saving me tons of money already. This book is a must read.
I am very glad I listened to my friend an bought this book. I have $1000 extra this month because of I listened to the tips in this book. I highly recommend it to everyone. You'll most definetly thank me later, if you listen to my advice and buy this book.
Tags: Money Saver
Easy Money
I absolutely love this book, I was new to all this couponing stuff, then I saw this one and started to read the description and said to myself that I have to get this one. This is a really great buy and I would definitely recommend this if your really looking to save money. - Coupons - Finance - Save Money - Couponing'
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