I bought these so my 3 year old could turn the bathroom light on by himself. We couldn't use the bottom screws because then the light switch wouldn't move. I'm not sure if it's just my switches or not. Once we took off the bottom set it works good enough. It will swing around a bit but he can still turn the lights on/off on his own which he likes. I'd buy more of them if needed. Kidswitch Light Switch Extender- 3 Pack
These light switch extenders are WONDERFUL!! Easy to put on and makes life easier for us around the house being my 3 year old can turn on the lights herself! I would recommend them for anyone with little ones in their homes!
My son was SO happy when we installed these. We put on in his room, his bathroom, and his playroom and its like his confidence grew tenfold. He loves using them and when we follow him into a room he says, "Wait, let me turn on the light!!" They are SUPER easy to install and just wonderful!!!
I bought this for my 4 year old to put in his room and the bathroom. Before these, I'd have to stop whatever I was doing to go turn on/off the light for him everytime he needed to go to the bathroom. It's nice to be able to finish cooking dinner or whatever knowing he can turn the light on and off himself. Completely recommend this product, it's lasted for several months with my two toddler boys and thru multiple playgroups. The three pack is also cheaper than the singles that I've seen in magazines elsewhere.
These switch-extensions work VERY well. They came with the requisite screws to attach over your existing switch-plate. It took no more than two minutes to install. The glow-in-the-dark feature is great for the little ones.
We have a 2yo who is potty training. She's at the point she can go on her own, but she's not tall enough to reach the light switches. It's very frustrating for a busy Mommy. I ordered the three pack so that I can install them in the kids' rooms as well (it's cheaper to order a 3 pack than 1 by itself).
I opened the box and immediately my DD wanted to play with them. We broke out the handy dandy screwdriver and set up shop in the bathroom. I got to work, taking out the screws from the plate, and WITHOUT READING THE INSTRUCTIONS, installing the Kidswitch. Hmmm...it's funny I can't tighten it very tight and it seemed very flimsy. I shrug it off and move on to the kids' rooms. I install them in both rooms and those fit remarkably better. My DD tested them for me rather well and was very please with the ability to help me turn the lights on when prompted.
So I went back to the bathroom to see what went wrong as I had an idea as I was installing the last Kidswitch. And sure enough I had installed the Kidswitch backwards in the bathroom. Doh! So I unscrewed it, flipped the switch around and poof, it works like magic. I read a few of the reviews on Amazon prior to purchasing and I truly think that there are a few that probably made the same mistake I did. Just make sure you're installing the screws into the side that has the recess on it.
Long story short, AWESOME PRODUCT and works very well when INSTALLED PROPERLY. I will definitely recommend these to my friends and family.
My son is short and can't reach the light switch. I kept forgetting to purchase these as it wasn't quite on my "to get" list since someone usually just turns the light on for him. Well, one day my son was jumping up to reach the switch and there was a very small sharp object under the switch that couldn't be seen because it was painted over. He jumped up, and cut his arm a good 3 inches in length and ran to me screaming and bleeding. He told me what happened, and after cleaning his arm I immediately got on Amazon and purchased the extenders. It arrived the next day! I was so glad it shipped so fast as I couldn't find this item or any thing like it in stores. I installed it in the three rooms he would need access to the most and it works wonderfully for him! He's confident in turning on the light by himself, and I don't have to worry about him getting hurt. It's a win-win for us both! Excellent product just wished I purchased it sooner. It does glow in the dark but only after it has been exposed to light. It's definitely worth the price I paid for it because it will be on our switches for another couple years till my youngest can reach the switch herself.
Durable:Yes - Educational: Maybe. If you consider I should have bought this sooner than later to learn a lesson. Fun: For my children it is. They take great pleasure in me telling them to stop playing with the light switch.
A very simple a solution to a problem all parents have w/ toddlers. I would highly recommended this product for anyone busy w/ something in the kitchen, but has a child that needs to light switched on. - Toddler - Light Switch Extender - Preschoolers'
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