To start off the shipping was fast and the customer support was 10 stars out of 5. As soon as I received this item, I expected one roll of high quality Stealth Spiderwire, but to my surprised received 3 additional (4 TOTAL). That first day I used it to go fishing and, unfortuneatly, became stuck to something that was over the 40lb. test limit. Suprisingly, I managed to get my line to shore without having to cut the line. *I THINK THIS LINE IS WAY OVER THE 40LB TEST LIMT, MAYBE 80LB. MAX.* To top it all off, the reeling of the line feels smooth, unlike the monofilament line. In my opinion, I think Stealth Spiderwire and Power Pro are the top 2 fishing line there is. Spiderwire Stealth Superline Spools (Moss Green, 500 Yards/50-Pound)
I've owned a 500 yd spool of 30 pound test for about 3 months now and these people at spider wire LIE!!! i got snaged in a tree one time and was pulling at least 200lbs of force on this stuff and it never broke! i love this line because once used a lttle the color fades a little and it is a perfect match to the color of the lake that i fish in. i wouldn't even hesitate to take the 30 or 40 pound test to go striper fishing or even for surf fishing. - Seed Beads - Fishing Line - Spiderwire - Beadwork'
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