This is the second box set release by Funimation of the first season of xxxHolic. It's an excellent series and there are enough reviews of the previous box set that should give you a good introduction if you're not already familiar with it.
When multiple releases start appearing, I think it's good to know how one release differs from another. I got this set in advance from another web site (for $30) where it was titled as a Viridian Collection set from Funimation, which is how they designate their budget releases. However, this set does not actually say "Viridian Collection" anywhere on it. The seies is set on 4-DVD's with 6 episodes on each disc. The set takes up the same space as a normal DVD case. It has an outer cardboard slip-cover with the same artwork as in the case itself. The discs are set on two double-sided hub pages that hold the discs in place very well and there is additional artwork visable inside with a listing of all the episodes. There aren't any on disc extras beyond textless songs and trailers but the original single disc releases of the series were the same way.
If this truly is a Viridian Collection, then it seems like a nice improvement over prior packaging choices. The only thing missing from previous Funimation releases of the series would be the artwork on the cases, although this set still looks really good. If you've been waiting for a lower priced release of xxxHolic, then this one is a great choice. xxxHolic
xXxHoLic is an anime series that branches off from another CLAMP anime called "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle". The basic plot revolves around a high school student named Kimihiro Watanuki who possesses the ability to see spirits, an ability he detests. Upon meeting a witch named Yuuko at her "wish granting shop" he wishes said ability away...but for a price. Yuuko's shop revolves around granting wishes with the compensation of what you value most. As his compensation Watanuki becomes employed at Yuuko's shop where he witnesses the many visitors who come in need of having their wish granted.
The first season comes in a regular DVD size case with gorgeous artwork both inside and out. It features multiple discs with special features such as commercials and textless songs. The episodes are also featured in Japanese audio and have subtitles in multiple languages.
If you're looking to own the English dub of xXxHoLic: Completely First Season this is the version to buy!
I avoided watching this for the longest time because the art seemed unappealing. But after watching Tsubasa: Resivoir Chronicles I had no other choice. First thing; if the art creeps you out IGNORE IT! This anime is great. The characters are awsome and the story line is phenomenal. After the first disc I couldn't turn the tv off. The voice actors did a a fantastic job and the music is great. The character development is great and besides the annoying girl, himawari, I loved all the characters. It is interesting to see the tie ins with other clamp novels and I was estatic when I saw Fai's staff! There is always a lesson to be learned in holic and Yuuko always seems to be the teacher! This show is great and I promise the art won't bother you for long! - Porn - Sex - Hardcore - Adult'
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