This was a great modern exploitation movie. It had some decent acting, and contrary to some other reviews - The Rock hardly speaks in it, which is one of the things that makes it a great flick. He has tapped back into that imposing WWE persona, and brought it to the big screen again. His presence, his attitude and his demeanor is absolutely perfect for the role. There isn't an ounce of Tooth Fairy in this performance.
The overall story and how it plays out is very much influenced by the genre. There are so many great examples of this in the film, it really is a treat if you're into that. It's a really fine example of modern exploitation flimmaking. I don't know where CBS films is going to go, but hopefully they will not have given up on this type of movie.
Don't go into this movie thinking it's a highbrow heist film or savvy thriller - it's a visceral blow-em-up action flick that is probably best watched with your wife at the grocery store or at her sewing class. Crack open a beer, open up a bag of Little Smokies and sit on the couch for an hour and a half of blowing stuff up and sweet, sweet revenge - 80's style. Faster
I know this movie did not do that well money wise, but I thought it was the Rock at his finest. He was made for this role and performed it like a veteran actor. It is similiar to other movies involving revenge, but this movie takes it to a much higher and violent level. The action is very fast paced and actual bordered on brutal killings, which are great and crowd pleasing as you root for the protagonist to "Get Even". Billy Bob Thorton is good as always while playing a burned out detective.
I can not say too much more or it will spoil the different plot twists in the movie especially towards the end. You don't have to be a Dwyane Johnson fan to really love this movie. Johnson simply excels in his role due to his physicality in looking the part he is playing, and the bonus is the action and excitement. Great movie. If you saw "Walking Tall" and liked it, you will love this one all that much more as it is a much better movie.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has no real name in this movie, just his occupation: Driver. Similarly, Billy Bob Thornton is "Cop." That must have been difficult to come up with. A completely unnecessary third-wheel-subplot is present, showing off a millionaire software developer assassin who has mastered yoga (seriously) and gets to shag Maggie Grace - whose role as hot girlfriend is so pointless it should have been uncredited - is hardly worth mentioning.
After being released from prison, Driver jumps in the car set up by a P.I. acquaintance of his, drives to a local telemarketing office, and sprays some nerd's brain matter on the back of his cubicle. If there is a better way to get me on the side of a guy embarking on a cross-country, revenge-filled murdering spree - which is tracked by Cop and his partner Cop with Breasts (Carla Gugino) - then I don't know of it; because everyone hates telemarketers. Through flashbacks we learn that Driver's brother (and crew) were involved in a bank heist and later murdered for their score. Up next: Death Wish Johnson!
Flaws in character development abound, as very little is learned about Driver, but a ton of time is spent on Billy Bob's failed marriage, portly kid, and drug problem. Each of the characters is transparently established as flawed, and the certainty of their eventual revelation makes tomorrow's sunrise doubtful. The cinematography and limited special effects are both unremarkable. Acting-wise, this film has the gusto of a professional cast already reading their next script; it never reaches the crescendo of expected excitement. Evidently two decent car chases and a few head shots just wasn't enough to get the cast fully enthralled either. I will say, however, that Johnson definitely steps outside his comfort zone, displaying what appeared to be genuine vulnerability to pair with already mastered anger.
While disappointing, Faster is nonetheless in my beloved "Death Wish," screw with me and I'll kill everyone you know, category. So, for that, it gets extra points. Besides all that, I'm for any opportunity that keeps the Rock out of family films or a fairy costume.
Jason Elin
So I decided this evening that I was in the mood for some mindless action - not typically the genre I usually watch. But regardless, I decided to watch "Faster." I knew very early on that this was definitely a mindless action movie and not to have very high expectations. When the movie's main characters have names such as "Driver," "Cop," and "Killer," you don't really expect much. But about an hour into the movie, I was completely caught off guard.
The last thirty minutes or so of the movie are surprisingly and uncommonly powerful. I wouldn't nominate this film for any awards for its acting or its story, but for what the movie had me believing it was, the last third of the movie was quite emotional. I will admit that I was even a little choked up and almost teary during some scenes. But I have a tendency to really analyze those types of scenarios on a personal, and almost empathic level, so many of you may not have the same experience.
But regardless, it was a fairly decent revenge flick with plenty to keep you entertained.
The Rock appears in this action film about a man involved in a robbery, after which his brother was killed. When his prison sentence concludes, he seeks revenge on those responsible for his brother's death. During his pursuit of those whom he seeks, there is a hitman after him, the reasons for the hitman being hired being unknown to the audience until the film's conclusion. The men that are being pursued are primarily flawed criminals and the character portrayed by Dwayne Johnson has redeeming qualities, so the audience is not asked to invest any moral assessments, but the mystery of the hired assassin elevates this slightly above your standard revenge movie.'
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