This is a great game to play. Taking place shortly after the Clone Wars begin, Anakin is sent out on a solo mission to find out what a informant was trying to tell the Jedi Council before she disappeared. This game is the first GBA game that actually has its own story, which is a great improvement over the last two like the movie-based Attack of the Clones and the PS1-based Jedi Power Battles. I'm not saying their bad games. The only flaw is that it is a little short, but that didn't stop my enjoyment. With the exception of not playing Jedi Power Battles, this is the best GBA Star Wars game I've played so far. The great part is getting back at Count Dooku for severing Anakin's arm. I highly, highly, highly reccomend getting this game. Star Wars Episode II: The new Droid Army
Another down-the-drain Star Wars game for the GBA? Far from it! To my surprise, this game manages to catch the intense atmosphere of the Star Wars movies really, really good. The backgrounds are beautiful to look at, the animations smooth and the music a pleasure to listen to. What`s best about it though, are the tight controls, that allow you to easily pull of lots of cool moves to strike your enemies, evade them or deflect their blasters bolts. On top of that, you have a bunch of force abilities that add a little more depth to the game (and are fun to play around with :)All in all, I'd recommend this game not only to Star Wars fans. It's just a really good action game.
I played the other Star Wars game when the movie came out, but this game is really impressive. It's really fun to deflect laser blaster bolts with the lightsaber. The backgrounds are really colorful and the animations are really smooth.I have no idea what the other reviewer was thinking. Perhaps he was confusing it with the other game, which was a sidescroller. This is an isometric game with 3D polygonal characters and loads of cool special effects.
It was an exciting game, a little easy, but, it has great replay value. I've beat it three times, and it's awesome each time. This was always a great game. A little difficult the first try, but it's got great replay value. I always thought of it as a good Game Boy game, as it was my first and only GBA game. I stick to GameCube, now. Harder, funner. Well, adiós.
The game was pretty cool.The graphics are great and the sound is awesome!The game is addictive and once you beat it,You want more.This is an ideal first game.You get cool force powers like "push" to send your enemies rocketing to the ground,"hide"to sneak around unsuspecting enemies,and "meditation"to restoreyour health and force power.This game makes you feel like a real jedi!
I recently got the game Star Wars the New Droid Army, and it is one of the best games I own, if not THE greatest. The main reasons I like this game are the graphics- which look almost like a computer game, and its stunning speed- This game is very fast- alot faster than any other Game boy game I've played before. And you meet tons of charectures from the movies, like Watto, Yoda, Mace Windu, and Count Dooku. And they also have short movies in the game to keep thing interesting- Even the original opening narrative. Plus you get to go to 3 different worlds and encounter tons of new enemies. If your unsure about the game, rent it.
This is just a great game. You are Anakin Skywalker, and the time is just after the movie Attack of the Clones. You are on a mission to find out about a new type of Battle Droid being manufactered by Count Dooku. Pros: Lightsaber battles at the end of each level. many different enemies. Deflect laser fire back at opponent. Go to differt planets. Choose between Padawan, Knight, or Master levels. Learn new force abilities like Jump, Push, Speed, Meditate, and Hide. Use different lightsaber moves. Really good graphics. Mini-movies every once in a while. The game even starts with the dissapearing gold letters going into the backround like in the movies. Cons: Some parts you just walk around alot. You need passwords to save. You can finish it in only a few days if you're good enough. Summary: Overall this game is awesome and I reccomend it to anyone who has a Gameboy Advance.
ya it was a okay game but it was so easy on all levels.!!!!!!let me give you a hint on facing count.d.dont use force power on him use the spin attack on him strate on dont move away or his lightning will stike!!!!
This game lets you do lightsaber fighting like a real jedi master. You can pull off all these great likesaber move, you can deflect incoming laser bolts, and use force powers. It was so great I only wish it was longer. I finished it in 3 days! But I played like all the time. I'm going to try it on master mode next. The grafix are AWSOME. You have to get it.
If you love star wars, your going to love this game. It's like jedi power battles(whichn is another awsome game) lightsabers and all. Your Anikin Skywalker goin through level through level with just a lightsaber. You can deflect laser attacks and use the force. Even you get a chance to avenge yourarm cut of by Count Dookou. Ignore the person who gave that nastey review. Take it from my advice, BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!'
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