For the hobbist, small drills are a must.
I found the 20 pc #numbered drills a blessing. They were sharp and clean of burres. I found it easy to twist drill them through soft tin and bass wood, even oak with just my fingers.
Very please.20 piece Tiny Small Drill Bits #61-80 Numbered Sizes High Speed Steel (HSS) Wire Gauge 20 piece Tiny Small Drill Bits #61-80 Numbered Sizes High Speed Steel (HSS) Wire Gauge
I have a Amateur Radio license. I have been in electronics, short-wave, CB and ham radio, for almost 50 years!
Not always, but, sometimes I etch printed circuit (PC) boards. Other times, I use perf boards with flea clips or solder to chips in the "dead man" fashion.
It is hard to fine very small drill bits for pc poards. When I got this, WOW!! I am set for many years!! This set is tiny! It is smaller that a small box of matches! The smallest drill bits are easy to loose! Very impressive! WB'
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