I use this 9v tip negative zero hum AC adaptor on my Dano and Boss pedals (i have 2). You can tell the difference between this adapter and the noisy ones from RShack or the cheap multi adapters. I've had this product for 3 or 4 years. Danelectro DA-1 9.6V AC Adaptor
I use this mostly with my Honeytone mini amplifier and Reel Echo tape echo simulator. Works very well with no problems. A lot of Danoelectro pedals may eat up batteries and this is a great alternative when you have access to Ac voltage outlets.
You will not find a more cost efficient Ac Adaptor for powering your guitar pedals. This one rocks. If you are plaining on hooking up more then 5 pedals, I would recommend you spending more and getting a Ac Adaptor that has more mA's like the - Godlyke PA9 Universal Pedal Power Supply
All in all this is a great product for the price. Go grab it if you are in the market for a Ac Adaptor.
Casey Schultheis
I've used Boss adapters in the past, and after some use, they'll wear down, the wires getting frayed leaving you with a finicky or dead adapter. If you move your gear a lot, especially guitar/effect pedals, wrapping the wires repeatedly can put some wear and tear on them. I read on several music forums that the Danelectro adapter was more quality built so I decided to to try it.
To my pleasant surprise, it's not only more durable but cheaper to boot! And it comes in a nifty green-colored retro designed box, not that it matters but it was a nice touch to see the product come in a nice designed package. The other plus, and this is a big one, is that it is a zero-hum, or rather a an adapter that won't add noise to your signal, like when plugged into your Boss pedals or other effect pedals. Much better than your run-of-the-mill adapter from Radio Shack.
I'm currently using this for my Roland FC-300 Midi Foot Controller and for my EQ Pedal, which is part of my guitar setup. Highly recommended.
Pretty decent adapter, lifting it you can really feel the heft of the transformer and capacitor bank inside. It really does a nice job of evening out the AC noise. I haven't had a chance to hook it up to an oscilloscope or anything, but I like it, and it powers both my Mini Amp, and my brothers keyboard.
I got this because it was specifically recommended for the honeytone miniamp. If this thing does actually kill line noise, I'd hate to hear what it sounds like with one that doesn't. The buzz drowns out the guitar entirely at reasonable volumes. There is no buzz at all with a 9 volt battery in the amp. - Ac Adapter - Adapters - Guitar Stuff - Guitar Pedals'
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