When you first start using it it hurts at first but after awhile you start getting use to the feel of it. The "nails" are made of plastic and do not hurt you. It's best to start gradually with a thin shirt and then eventually with no shirt at all. I like it because you can put it on any part of your body and you will feel the blood flow going towards the skin. It has a nice warming feeling to it and if you can tolerate the initial pain you will love it. Not sure about the long term medical benefits of it, that is unsubstantiated, but it is a definite relaxation tool. I fall asleep on it. Acupressure Mat Spike Body Mat for stress, neck pain, back pain or foot pain relief
This mat really helps to relax before bedtime. My back often pops a few times when I first lay down which relieves pain.
I feel this mat was the best buy out there. I paid $29.99 and shipping was free. It appears durable, has a cotton cover, and has a good foam pad inside. I think some of the other top rated pads may be hyped by people that have a financial interest in the pad - be careful of their shipping fees. Anyway I used it the first time without a shirt and was up to 20 minutes by the second use. Just be careful getting on and getting off. If it hurts too much as first, I find by lifting yourself up a little then laying back down can help.
I was diagnosed with having bilateral C7 vertebral transverse process abnormalities that cause a condition caused Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. This caused intense pain to radiate down my arms and also severe weakness. I have chosen to take the naturopathic route of not taking narcotics for the pain due to side-effects, so in total desperation for pain relief, I ordered this mat not knowing if it would help or not. The first time I laid on it I actually fell asleep!! I have laid on it everyday and night for sleep (had incredible insomnia due to the pain) and have now been able to sleep the entire night. The pain has been diagnosed as being chronic, so this is something I will have to deal with my entire life, but at least I know there is SOMETHING I can do to get some relief, where there was none to be found before!
I've been using the Nayoya original mat for some time, and seeing real effects in pain relief. I had to buy a new one, but the original Nayoya mat was out of stock... So I thought, how much difference can there be? It's just spikes... and bought this lower-priced replacement.
It is different. The spikes are less sharper, and I can feel the difference in pain relief: the original worked better than this one. For this mat, I have to press down on the spikes for effects, and then the effects are not as good as the original.
If you are looking for the real thing, then go for original round-shaped, sharper spikes.
When I first saw an accupressure mat, I was a little skeptical until I gave it a try. It was both painful and wonderful at the same time, and relaxing. The testimonial said it could help with insomnia, which I suffer. The brand name one cost more than I wanted to pay, so I went online and this one came up, and I ordered immediately. I was SO excited when it arrived. It works just as well as the expensive one, and has almost the same number of spikes (over 6,000). I still haven't reached the point where I can use it without a shirt, but that's okay because it feels great an relaxes me anyway. I also find that when I have an upset stomach or bad cramps, the mat helps with that too! All I have to do is lie on my stomach on the mat for 20-30 minutes, and my abdominal area feels much better. I'm also more aware of my breathing when I'm on the mat. It helps my insomnia, and I have fallen asleep on it, both on my back and on my stomach. I let a friend of mine use it when she was having an anxiety attack, and it helped her a lot. She's going to buy one too. I really recommend this mat, it's great!
I received this mat today and tried it immediately. I love it! It only took a few minutes to get used to but after that it was very relaxing. I found that I was able to focus on relaxing my muscles even more than just laying around being lazy. I felt great after I got off of it too. I probably stayed on it for @ 10 minutes. I plan on using this everyday!!! P.S. I also had my husband help me lay back on it and he helped raise me off of it too, but I'm sure I will be able to do that myself now that I know what if feels like.
I suffer from terrible stress and the physical ailments that come along with it. I thought I would give this product a try and I really like it. It feels great on my back and I find that tension in my back and shoulders has decreased. I would recommend this product. - Neck Pain Relief - Back Pain Relief - Back Pain - Accupressure'
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