The verdict on routers usually comes with time, but in the few weeks I've had this router to date, it has performed flawlessly. No dropped connections or rebooting so far (unlike the router it replaced Netgear WGR614 Wireless-G Router, which was constantly needing to be rebooted), perhaps in part to the "self-healing app" that reinitializes the unit.
The router is a cinch to set up for novices, but also is customizable enough for the more tech-savvy. The enclosed CD has an absurdly easy process for setting up wireless-capable units to the router; the unit comes out of the box with preset WPA2/WPA with a password already in place, all printed on a handy card that slides under the router for future reference. There is also a more traditional web-based interface allows for tweaking all the usual settings, updating firmware, playing with address settings, and other such advanced features.
Please note that my setup was confined to a Wii and a pair of laptops -- no smartphones or wireless printers here. Other reviewers may have other things to say about those particular devices.
I'll update this review if anything changes, but at least at this point this seems like a solid bet for the money. Belkin N300 Wireless N Router (Latest Generation) - Router - Wireless - Routers'
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