Revised: 12/13/2009
Okay, looks like the Achilles Heel of this product are the wireless buttons provided with the unit. Both buttons stick and causes the doorbell to sound off constantly and it has worn off it's "charm". The first button stuck and I thought it was a fluke. Someone rang the doorbell while I was not at home and so it rang constantly until the batteries died. I switched the button and after a week it started sticking like the first so I am now looking to replace the entire unit.
Four stars down to two.
The volume on this doorbell is quite loud which is a good thing if you're on a different floor and/or at the back of the house. The multiple chimes are also a plus and I enjoy the humor of the coo-coo clock sounds (Gong, Coo-Coo!!! Gong, Coo-Coo!!!) which is the one I'm using.
One issue that needs to be resolved is that one of the buttons (two wireless buttons are provided) sticks causing the doorbell to coo-coo endlessly until I give the button a good tap or two to make it stop. The spastic coo-coo encourages the dogs and cat to start barking and meowing and my home goes from peaceful and serene to a Wild Kingdom cacophony in an instant. Needless to say, the door gets answered very quickly.
Product seems sturdy and reliable, is loud, and is guaranteed to catch your attention. A sticky button issue needs to be resolved but overall, a good product. GE 19209 Wireless Door Chime with Two Push Buttons
I had been searching off and on for several days trying to find a simple wireless door bell with two buttons. Then I stumbled across this model: #19209 at Amazon. Not only did it have two buttons but 8 different tones to choose from. Very reasonably priced and easy to install. Very satisfied.
The absolute worst part of this piece of garbage is that the button sticks when pressed - leading to the chimes going off ENDLESSLY! It can be tough to unstick the button - a real rage inducing situation as the bell chimes on and on and you can't get it to turn off - while your visitor squirms for having pushed the bell in the first place.
The other drawback, which compounds the first, is there is no way to control the volume of the bell . . . it is incredibly loud and if you are in the room where the bell is, it blows you out of your seat with its tone.
Combine this with the fact that it won't stop going off, and you realize what a bunch of chimps must have designed this thing. Quality control - non-existent.
Thanks for nothing.
The buttons on the remote units stick in place when pushed to hard and cause the 'doorbell' to ring constantly if you are not home to answer it - wearing the battery down. Couple that with an expensive and unusual battery needed for replacement, and I guarantee that you will be better off with a more expensive unit that is more reliable. NOT recommended.
This unit stopped working after only a couple months. GE Consumer Affairs is not interested in caring about this issue - I tested the batteries and they were fine, but put new ones in both the unit and both push buttons just in case. Got the PDF file for troubleshooting and all is well in all options there. It just quit working and GE quit caring. It took two letters to be even acknowledged and they passed me off to some place I can pay more than the cost of a new one to have it looked at. This may not be an item that matters in their profit margins, but I will never buy GE again!
It is a nicely designed chime unit, quite loud enough, and appears to be well made.
The problem that I have is with the remote pushbuttons. They are not waterproof, and not water resistant. There is a caution in the enclosed packaging that warns one not to install the button where it might receive direct rainfall. Well, that's what the outdoors and where I want to install the button is all about.
We just passed the one year mark on this GE19209 Wireless Doorbell and all I can say is it is the most poorly designed unit I've ever seen... and G.E.'s sub (JASCO) refuses to admit they have a problem. My first unit ordered from Amazon was defective... and replaced at no charge (of course) Amazon was great - they even covered my return shipping. Then the cold weather hit and the push button started sticking. I contacted JASCO: "send it back, we will review and replace if deemed appropriate". So, without door bell for a few weeks. 2 new buttons arrive - JASCO claims nothing wring with the units I returned. A couple months later... same problem but now in the hot weather: button sticking again. Same drill (phone call to JASCO, letter, shipping, wait 3 weeks for replacement). Last month I returned two buttons and yesterday I received the replacement - this time they only shipped me one button! I'm done calling/writing/shipping defect product to them.
I've now been through this 4 TIMES and guess what - the unit is out of its 1 year warranty.
Sorry. No kind words to say other than this GE product is a P.of S. - Wireless Door Chimes - Cordless Doorbell - Door Chimes - Doorbell'
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