I've only had this door chime for about a month. But, so far, it has worked flawlessly. I live on the second floor of a three family house and the range on this unit is great. The previous chime I had seemed to work only occasionaly.
The only odd thing that I noticed when reading the installation instructions was that they recommend not mounting the push button next to any metal objects. Since most houses have screen doors, this might be an issue. However, my house is aluminum sided with a screen door and the chime still works fine. Honeywell RCWL330A1000/N P4-Premium Portable Wireless Door Chime and Push Button
Some of the other reviewers referenced the provided directions as a waste. I would say you need a basic understanding of electronics to interpret but they are pretty straight forward. I purchased the doorbell unit, the upgraded black with gold plated door button and several door/window sensors. In all I purchased enough parts for 2 door bells and 4 door/window notifications. The product description provided by Honeywell does not tell you for every window or door that you wish to be notified is opened, you must purchase one converter AND one set of wired door contacts. This adds up fast, very fast. In any case, to the set up and performance of the unit. For now I have just set up the 2 doorbells and 1 door open notifier and the set up was fairly easy. From opening the packaging to setting up the door chimes, to mounting the (what I call) door notifier took me about an hour and a half and I played around with the unit allot before installing. Mainly checking out the door chimes but also reprogramming the provided push button and the additional black and gold one I purchased. What I thought was inventive and progressive with the unit is the door open notifier has its own notification aside from the provided door chimes and it sounds like a door open notifier. I think a couple of the door chimes are a bit hokey. I think they were running out of ideas. The unit comes with a volume knob which was an excellent idea on there part as this thing is loud with the volume cranked. The light that is installed in the unit is functional, bright and eye catching and in my opinion is a very useful feature for the hearing impaired. It flashes like a strobe light when the door bell is rung. Of the 6 programmable notifiers, each one has its own display with picture or the option of placing numbers in place of the pictures so when a doorbell is rung or door is opened you know visually what door bell is being rung and so forth. Once again another nice feature for the hearing impaired. I will say if you mount the unit on a wall where a doorbell is usually mounted (high up) the picture feature will not be very useful. With that being said the unit is not ugly and is about the size of a book AND stands on it own quite well. So not mounting it on a wall and just setting it somewhere is acceptable in my opinion. If you do decide to mount it on a wall, hardware is provided and is very simple. If you can hang a picture even somewhat straight, you can hang this unit. In conclusion Honeywell is synonymous with security (at least in my neck of the woods) and the doorbell buttons have the Honeywell name placed right on them which can't hurt in possibly conveying to a potential intruder your home is fully wired with a Honeywell Security system. In conclusion to my conclusion as I almost forgot the most important point. How is the signal? I believe it to be very good. Now I have not tested nor do I plan to test it to the 450ft working range so I cannot speak to this. What I will say is my furthest door is 40 plus feet away from the doorbell itself and the buttons signal must travel through 2 insulated 2x6 walls plus 2 more interior walls and it works perfectly. No delay to speak of. No repeat button pushing AND the buttons have a signal light on them so the user knows they have pushed the button. I highly recommend this unit. Thanks for the read and I hope this helps in your decision.
Just received, easy to use and set up! There is another version, same price, that Amazon is selling - this seems to be the more deluxe of the two for exactly the same price. I purchased the extra doorbell set, which I can choose to program with the same or a different chime. I will be purchasing the Honeywell Motion Detector and the Honeywell Wireless Door Contacts after the holidays to expand my little wireless alert network. I like that it has the option of expanding. Both of these devices can be programmed with this Wireless Doorbell Chime receiver. This unit also comes with the option of using a blue strobe light with or without the chime. And each device that is added can have its own chime if you desire. I've only had it a day, but so far it exceeds my expectations! Takes an additional 4 "C" batteries which are not included. The battery for the push bell is included. I'm happy with my purchase! - Doorbell - Wireless Door Chimes - Cordless Doorbell - Door Chimes'
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