If you like any special features at all do not buy this version. They are doing the same thing as Avatar. This release gets a full price but absolutely zero special features. Not so much as a trailer. They will be putting out deluxe versions toward the end of the year including a 3D combo pack, blu ray combo pack & dvd. ALL will be packed & you will kick yourself for having to buy this a second time. Many people don't care about features but if you do consider yourself forewarned. And it's not like they're giving you a cut on the price for a "movie only" release. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
This version is being rushed out at the end of this month. Michael Bay has stated that a Bigger and Better 3D bluray version will be released later, with ALOT more extras than this edition. That version will be release on standard Blu as well, Looks like before the end of this year, just in time for the holidays.
While walking to the counter to PAY for this release, I turned it over to read what extras were included. NONE!!!!! Nothing!!!! I put it right back on the shelf. I am NOT paying full price for a bare-boned release! The greedy corporate thugs are counting on you to buy this, only to wave something a lot more enticing in front of your eyes when sales for this dwindle! Sick of these rip-off tactics!!! I have no sympathy for their loss of revenue from movie pirating! If they treated their customers with respect, perhaps the problem would not be so widespread!!!
Concerning BLU-RAY customers... DO NOT BUY THIS RELEASE. Warner Bros. have once again, screwed the fans/customers over... because they WILL release this in Blu-Ray 3D.... just like all their other past, and future, releases which had 3D Theatrical Releases.... but they'll wait until they feel enough non-3D versions have been sold (usually 3 to 6 months), before releasing a FULL/TRUE release of this movie.
They've done this already with several other titles... and more are coming... like Harry Potter's finale for example... and there seems to be no end in sight to this nonsense.... so send them a message, and do not buy this INFERIOR release. Whether you already have 3D capability or not... it's just smarter business/financial sense, to buy the complete 3D COMBO-Pack when it's released... not only because it will only cost $2-$5 more than THIS release... but because it will LIKELY include a "Special 2-Disc (blu-ray) Edition", as they did with the previous 2 Transformers movies/releases (the 2nd disc being all or mostly all, HD bonus features, etc.).
=== This release not only does NOT contain 2 blu-ray discs (which means less special features &/or LESS HD QUALITY available if they tried to cram a lot of features onto just 1 disc, leaving less room for the highest possible quality-transfer of the movie)... but again, they don't even include the 3D version.... and if you think for one second, that they spent all that money churning out a 3D Theatrical Release, only to NOT release it in blu-ray 3D... well, you're a fool... and you should go ahead & buy THIS blu-ray/dvd combo-pack release, and stop reading.
I've rented this release from Netflix -- it arrives tomorrow -- I will rip it & hold on to my rip, until WB takes it's thumb out of it's collective behind, and releases this properly... just as I've done w/ all the other titles they've done this to. ___ Keep it up W.B., and I will stop seeing them in the Theater as well!
DOTM made it easy to forget 2009's ROTF. The "plot" was much improved, possibly because there was only ONE writer this time. Some of the best action sequences I have ever seen were in this movie. A great way to end the series, as well. If they made any more, I would hope it would be the military and Autobots working together to hunt down Decepticons, similar to how ROTF started out. Please take my advice: how good a movie is has nothing to do with the studio wanting to get consumers to buy the movie twice. If you disagree, then spam the studio with correspondence rather than deduct stars from your review. Try it this way next time: "DOTM was a fantastic action film, but I am disappointed the Blu-Ray release hardly has any extras. Otherwise, 5 STARS!!!!"
So I got home from work today and I asked my wife if she got the mail. She said she did and I got TF3 which I thought it was odd because it's suppose to come out tomorrow. Well lucky me, I have it a day early. I do have the Amazon Prime service which I shall now refer to the Amazon Optimus Prime service.And no I have not opened the case for fear the FBI are watching me. j/k
Booooo!Don't buy it because no special features are available but there will by by years end, so another clever studio scheme capitolizing on consumers! Yes, they probably factored per 1 million copies sold - 10 - 60 % will double dip generating a flow revenue for the impatient and believe me 90% of americans are IMPATIENT, so they know they have the rabbit by it's tail! Don't take the blue or red pill on this one!!! No rabbit holes running deep here, just peoples pockets that are succorred into buying the bare-boned Optimus...I hope this truly helps you out, seriously..
So there's this one part where the Autobots get in a ship to leave Earth at the demand of the Decepticons, to avoid a war. But as the ship is leaving, the Decepticons destroy it. Oh noes! The Decepticons destroy most of Chicago, killing a whole lot of people. But it turns out that the Autobots faked their death, they had never intended to leave! So all those deaths could have been prevented! They could have just fought the villains head-on! Wait...WTF?!*Ahem*...Okay, so Dark of the Moon is the best Michael Bay Transformers movie so far. The dialogue is a bit better; there's nothing like the mind-numbingly bad college scenes or the character Leo Spitz from Revenge of the Fallen. The acting is a bit better; instead of Megan Fox we have Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who's actually pretty okay (there's this one part where she says that Megatron is a certain other robot's biatch...to his face!), and Shaia Labeouf is over the top in a way that's kinda convincing and seems to make sense for the Sam Witwicky character. There are less shenanigans; the movie is focused on its plot, knows what it's about. The cinematography is good; I could actually understand what was happening in the action scenes and there were some pretty cool shots of the sundered world. The 3D is good; especially the parts with Shockwave. And Megan Fox isn't in it. So that's great and all, but here's a problem for you: I just didn't care. I mean I didn't care about anything that was going on in this movie. The Decepticons have yet another plan for world domination, and to beat them there's a lot of fighting to be done. Many Transformers die. But I didn't care about them, because they've never been able to develop personalities. Are you even keeping track of who these guys are? Starscream is never actually called by his name. Soundwave is in like, one scene. Say, was that Ratchet? I see grey parts flying in every direction, not the deaths of characters. One of the only Transformers I came to like was George Coe as Cue the Autobot scientist. The Human characters aren't any better, either. Some of the action sequences drag on and on. The falling skyscraper part comes to mind. Then there's the part where Sam fights Starscream. There's such an insane amount of flailing metal in that one, it's hard to believe that the squishy little Human is still alive. But there are sections with Shockwave and the tentacle thing and parts where Optimus is flying that were great. Combined with the 3D, it really felt like you were zooming through the air. By movie's end there has been so much destruction and so many Transformers have died that it's hard to see the series going on from here. The ending made me think "what was the point of all that?", as there's no set-up for a sequel. And nothing very special happend over the course of the film (like character development, closer to the series, etc.). Villains came, they saw, and they got their asses kicked. Yeah, it's hard to see the series going on, but it will. There's money to be made.
4 out of 9'
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