I like this product. Let me first start by saying that I do not think this is "the BEST" protein product ever. However, I've tried many protein products and this comes rather close.
In my honest opinion, "the BEST" protein product out there would have to be "Profect" by Protica Research. It's actually the stuff used by gastric bypass patients. It's 25 grams of high-absorb protein in only 2.7 fluid oz that literally tastes like fruit candy. But, it's way too expensive and a two-months supply can set you back a couple of hundred bucks easily. Because of this, it's better suited strictly toward its medical purposes.
This product is also not the "most cost-effective". There are plenty of other whey products out there that are much much cheaper and have just as much protein content, but they all pretty much taste like doo doo. What's the point in torturing yourself to save a few bucks? Cost is definitely an important factor, but not the most important.
Apart from all of the hype and apart from all of the hate, I would say that I really do like this product. It tasted a bit gross with just plain water, but when I added it to a cup of enriched soymilk, I couldn't tell the difference between it and a regular kid's chocolate milk shake. That is amazing. And this product did mix pretty well. I usually have problems with that when it comes to powdered shakes and it's always great when you can get a shake that doesn't just sit on the bottom of the cup and cement while everything else just floats to the top. I even added a serving of Benefiber fiber supplement, and it still didn't clump up.
One problem that I have with this product is that it does use artificial sweeteners, but I'll let that slide for now, since I don't intake too many products with them anyway. Still, it is a cause for concern for those you who want to avoid such things in your diet entirely.
Overall, 4 of of 5 stars. I'm pleased but not impressed. This product is definitely one of the superior brands out there but most definitely not a "gold standard". A lot could be done to improve it. Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard, Vanilla Ice Cream, 5 Pound
What is it? A big jug of protein powder! In fact, you get over 5 lbs!
Okay, you know its protein, and the label says "Whey"- but what exactly is whey? Well, whey, or milk plasma, is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. Most of us know that milk has protein in it, so the stuff in the big black jug here is essentially a milk protein.
So what's the big deal about whey protein? Well, supposedly whey has the ability to be digested quickly, which allows the protein to become available very quickly. Most people use it after workouts to help increase the levels of amino acids in the blood, which are taken up by the muscles to help repair and rebuild them.
As you can tell, people who are physically active are probably going to need this stuff the most. Physical activity normally breaks down the tissues of the body as you use it, and since protein is the building blocks of your tissues, well, lots of physical activity equals higher protein needs. How much more protein athletes need above and beyond sedentary people is a matter of controversy- as is the protein requirements of bodybuilders. However please keep in mind that high protein intake can be hard on your kidneys, because they're the organ that has to deal with this stuff the most, so if you have any kind of kidney issues (i.e. your creatinine is sky high), it'd be best to check with a doc before ingesting huge quantities of protein.
On to the specifics of this particular protein powder. To use it, you simply mix it with water, or any liquid for that matter- then throw it down the hatch. Does it taste good? Well, some people like it and some people don't- me telling you that I like it won't mean much in this case.
Anyway, when all is said and done, this is a decent source of protein for people who don't have time to eat huge chunks of meat, large quantities of eggs, or drink gallons of milk. At 24 grams of protein a serving, this product packs a whallop that can go a long way to help make healthy tissue stronger, or injured tissue healthy. Also recommend Smokin' Hot Guns!!: How an Average Guy Can Get Big, Muscular Arms In One Workout A Week if you're trying to bulk up your arms.
I'm an average-skinny build 22 year old. I was looking to gain some muscle mass and build more all around body definition. Purchased the Double Rich Chocolate flavor about 6 months ago. I started to commit myself and seriously work out about 45 mins. every Other day. within 3 weeks I noticed more definition in my arms and in a little over a month and a half my stomach was getting more toned. Now after about 6 months, I'm starting to form what looks like a six pack. I'm amazed at how well this stuff works for me. I mix two scoops with 16 oz. of skim milk every morning and on workout days I have 1 serving with milk before my workout, and one after. My first 5lb. Tub lasted me about 3-4 months.
How can I complain.
The pros:
Taste: better with milk than water. try to find whey that tastes better than this. There is not much else out there.
Results: They were quick for me. But this was the fist time I used whey protein and stuck to a solid workout schedule.
Quality: Mixes easy. Low calorie, Low carb, Low fat. 24 whopping grams of protein per serving(that's a lot!)
The Cons:
Price: All Whey protein is expensive right now but It is still well worth the money.
so...all that being said, If your a skinny boy/girl trying to build some lean muscle or If you just want to turn some excess fat into muscle, try this stuff out. Get a routine going and it should help out.
I've been powerlifting for over 14 years & have literally tried it all. (well... most that is) Remember when Designer Protein was "In"? Anyway, I purchased this protein along with a handful of others @ a GNC (Yes, GNC... Retail price w/ no Gold Card) without first checking out the reviews. Basically a blind study using myself as the test subject. Out of all the proteins I tested, only ONE stood out from the rest. Being that I wasn't influenced in any way by a salesman, reviews, etc... my observations were not the result of a placebo effect. With ON, I not only maintained my weight but gained weight as well w/ consistent workouts. It did an excellent job of curbing my appetite as well as this has been my breakfast, every morning for close to a year. I recently decided to check out the reviews both online & on Amazon & low & behold, a 5 star average all the way. I'm not the least bit surprised. This is by far the best protein I have ever used. - Protein - Whey - Whey Protein - Bodybuilding'
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