I love Michael Pollan, and his `food rules' are good. Gary Taubes has done some great reporting and synthesizing. The American public is slowing growing an understanding that what Big Farma wants you to want is not good for you. (Big Pharma, however, is happy to make you think that only they can fix the resulting damage.)
In her first book, Deep Nutrition, Dr Cate (Catherine Shanahan, MD) explains how important nutrition is to not only maintaining health, but also in restoring it! She explains things more completely and with a much greater understanding of the complexity of the human body than pretty much anyone trying to do so (the only exception I have found is Nora Gedgaudas, who is equally competent and whose book complements the Shanahan's book perfectly).
I think of Dr. Cate's Food Rules as the icing on the cake! (Cake is now made with nut flours and lots of eggs from my own chickens, topped with un-sugared whipped cream). Cate again packs an amazing amount of information into a slim volume. If you want some valuable tips, insight, or coaching on what food to buy, how to cook it, and how to eat intentionally, this book is for you. You do not need to read Deep Nutrition to greatly benefit from the food rules based on it. If you have been eating junk for years, are ill, seek longevity, or want optimum health this little guide book is far, far, far superior to every similar guide on the market. There is a 30 page section called Doctor's Orders that has "must read" material (just go read this section in your local bookstore if you are already a foodie eating nutrient rich foods).
If every American household had a copy of Food Rules and used it, healthcare costs would, I'm serious, drop to a mere 10% of what they are today. I know, because my 25-year-old daughter who was officially diagnosed with Chronic Pain Syndrome (after Kaiser exhausted their options) is now approaching a normal life after following these rules for six months. These rules work better than you can imagine.
This book is the perfect gift at baby showers, wedding showers, and anyone's birthday!! Five stars are not enough, but they won't let me add any. Food Rules: A Doctor's Guide to Healthy Eating
This book is a gem!
I am a supplement junkie who is only now learning that real nutrition is in delicious food. Let Catherine and Luke wean you from your supplements; you will want to spend the same money supporting local food producers of sustainable products. eing a "foodie" is actually being a "health food nut." I am so glad I have both Deep Nutrition and this handy guide to remind and guide me; eating well can be a bit tricky. I don't know how the authors put all this information together so well; it's humorous and it is even fun to read. I thought I knew a thing or two about nutrition... my knowledge has been greatly up-graded by the analysis done by this remarkable team.
Great book, people who don't rate it 5 don't know up from down.
My daughter has been the pioneer of a 'Deeper Nutritional' outlook in our family. She continues to teach me and I'm making some progress to upgrade my life (Ok, I'm stubburn...). What I love about Food Rules is the clear and simple way it gives me the motivation I need to see sugar for what it really is, embrace many others foods I can get locally and a way of eating that isn't dogmatic but still much better for me, one step at a time! Thanks Dr. Shanahan!
When I discovered Deep Nutrition, it became my dietary mantra and has made a huge difference in my health and quality of life. Naturally I was excited to read Food Rules and pleased to discover that it is a remarkable companion book to Deep Nutrition. It consistently streamlines the information into a user friendly guide. I Love this book!
I have already purchased 7 of these books to share with my health conscious loved ones. Dr. Shanahan describes how eating poorly causes inflammation, and that all diseases start with inflammation. As we get older, our body's efficiency declines, and her "food rules" are right on target to getting our bodies back in shape. I devoured this book in one night, and was so inspired, that I started on a diet with her recommendations of no starches or sugar, eating mostly meat, vegetables, and kefir, and butter and coconut butter for good fats. Fresh squeezed lemon juice in water, and kombucha to drink. A very simple diet, no exercising, I feel great, and have lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks! Dr. Shanahan is light years ahead of standard medical advice.
My husband and I are planning to have a baby in the not too distant future. I am grateful that I have read Deep Nutrition so that my husband and I can do everything we can to produce a healthy baby. Food Rules will make a tough job easier. It's a wonderful encapsulation of how to accomplish healthy eating. It is increasingly clear that tragic and needless illness is all too often the result of bad food choices; we enjoy having Food Rules handy to help remind ourselves of better alternatives to conventional foods and to help us explain the way we eat to our friends and family.
As a right brain creative, Food Rules made is simple and concrete enough to pick up the essentials and pass it on to my coaching clients. Both Dr. Shanahan and I agree that nutrition cannot be overlooked, EVER! While getting the sugar out, embracing local foods and eating mindfully sounds simple, but as someone who has gone through a decade of healing eating disorders, I personally know how 'simple' doesn't mean 'easy' when it comes to food addictions. Being reminded again and again of these timeless food truths is key. Food Rules is an essential guide for everyone who's looking to address what's really important when it comes to food and body! And if your mind likes the details, you'll enjoy diving into this one: (...)
Catherine Garceau
Olympic Medalist, Wellness Educator,
(...) - Food - Health - Healthy Eating - Nutrition'
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